摘 要:我国房地产业作为一个新兴行业,起步较晚,却迅速成为我国目前发展最快的行业之一,为国民经济的快速增长作出了很大的贡献.而伴随着美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机对我国经济产生了严重的负面影响,作为我国国民经济体系重要构成的房地产业更是首当其冲.使得原本存在于房地产业的财务风险隐患更加突出,棘手,成为很多房地产企业生存发展迫切需要解决的现实问题.
摘 要:我国房地产业作为一个新兴行业,起步较晚,却迅速成为我国目前发展最快的行业之一,为国民经济的快速增长作出了很大的贡献.而伴随着美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机对我国经济产生了严重的负面影响,作为我国国民经济体系重要构成的房地产业更是首当其冲.使得原本存在于房地产业的财务风险隐患更加突出,棘手,成为很多房地产企业生存发展迫切需要解决的现实问题.
Abstract:China's real estate industry as an emerging industry,a late start,but quickly became the fastest growing industries in China is currently one of the rapid growth of the national economy has made a significant contribution.And accompanied by the U.S.sub-prime crisis triggered by the global financial crisis on China's economy had a serious negative impact on national economic system as an important component of China's real estate sector are particularly affected.Makes the originally exist in the real estate hidden financial risks become more prominent,difficult for many of the urgent need for survival and development of real estate companies to solve practical problems.
In this paper,the current financial risks exist in China's real estate industry and the formation of a detailed analysis of the causes of and summarizes the performance of real estate is also the form of financial risk.On this basis,the question of how to play the financial risk control function,to avoid falling into financial crises a number of management measures used to ensure long-term economic benefits of China's real estate industry and ensure a stable development.
Keywords:real estate enterprise; financial risk; Control
In this paper,the current financial risks exist in China's real estate industry and the formation of a detailed analysis of the causes of and summarizes the performance of real estate is also the form of financial risk.On this basis,the question of how to play the financial risk control function,to avoid falling into financial crises a number of management measures used to ensure long-term economic benefits of China's real estate industry and ensure a stable development.
Keywords:real estate enterprise; financial risk; Control
- 1下列函数中,既是奇函数又是减函数的是( ) A.y=2x B.y=-x2 C.y=x3 D.y=-3x
- 2斐波那契数列是这样的:1,1,2,3、5、8、13、21…….这串数列中2012个数除以3所得的余数是多少?
- 3There is not enough clean water.enough 修饰形容词不是应该放在后面吗 这句话为什么
- 4任何两个词语都可以经过几次转换而建立起一定的联系示例的联想方式,把提供的词语分别连接起来.
- 5X+9/2=15/11
- 6三分之一四分之一七分之一的最小公倍数是多少
- 7在直角三角形中,∠A是锐角,tanA=0.5,求sinA与cosA
- 860度时,要配置100克硝酸钾的饱和溶液,需硝酸钾与水各多少克?
- 9xian zai wei shen mo wu fa da zi
- 10Roy was sitting on a chair,with his eyes__the window
- 1英语翻译
- 2The bed is ___ the door and the window.There are four pictures____the wall____the bed.There are some
- 3将氯化钠饱和溶液、硝酸钾饱和溶液按表格中的要求进行结晶.请将析出晶体后溶液的变化情况填在下边中.
- 4若六位数是3ABABA是6的倍数,其中A、B表示不同的数字,则这样的六位数有_个.
- 5氧化物属于纯净物吗
- 6“微波”是“无线电波”吗?
- 7“快乐是需要付出代价的:要被爱,更要去爱,要获得,更要给予.”这句话的理解?
- 8《窃读记》一文中,表达了作者什么样的思想感情?
- 9六一班植树,男生3人1棵,女生5人1棵,全年级100名参加,共植30棵,男女各多少名
- 10列方程解应用题:抗洪抢险时,需要在一定时间内筑起拦洪大坝,甲队单独做正好按期完成,而乙队由于人少.单独做则超期3个小时才能完成.现甲、乙两队合作2个小时后,甲队又有新任