Numerous winter sports: skiing, ice-skating (on the lakes even), snowboarding, etc, highlighted by winter olympics. My favourite sport is figure skating, which is an art form in its own right.
Snow sculptures: Many cities are decorated by snow sculptures in the winter. Tourists go to Harbin to see them; In Montreal, people make snow castles every winter.
Other winter activities: snowman, snow fight, enjoyed by children all over the world
Winter holidays: Christmas. People love white Christmas in the west. There are even songs dedicated to white Christmas.
Winter gives plants a chance to flourish in the spring: e.g., wheat; Melting snow in the spring adds moisture and nitrogen to the soil so new seeds and plants can grow.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that winter is a time to nourish the body. Harvest in the fall and store in the winter (秋收冬藏). Many traditional therapies require winter time.
Wildlife: female bears give birth during hybernation; polar bears depend on thick layers of snow to capture their prey
Winter is bug free! No mosquitoes, no flies. Bacteria are a lot less active. Many people plan plastic surgeries in the winter.
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