1.Your order will be delivered by Ups in time for your sales promotion January 15.
2.With the aid of top management,the problem can be solved.
3.Weekly meetings are most effective.
4.Will you please complete the report by Friday?
5.Please consider our latest proposal despite its conflicts with the original one.
6.The policy affected all vendors,suppliers and consultants.
7.At your suggestion,I ‘m investigating your billing immediately.
8.Warn your employees about these chemicals.
9.Your warranty begins working for you as soon as your registration.
10.Once we are sure how much it costs,we can start the project.
1.Your order will be delivered by Ups in time for your sales promotion January 15.
2.With the aid of top management,the problem can be solved.
3.Weekly meetings are most effective.
4.Will you please complete the report by Friday?
5.Please consider our latest proposal despite its conflicts with the original one.
6.The policy affected all vendors,suppliers and consultants.
7.At your suggestion,I ‘m investigating your billing immediately.
8.Warn your employees about these chemicals.
9.Your warranty begins working for you as soon as your registration.
10.Once we are sure how much it costs,we can start the project.
1.Your order will be delivered by Ups in time for your sales promotion on January 15.2.With the aid of the top management,the problem can be solved.3.Weekly meetings are the most effective ones.4.Will...
- 1概率与统计中题目
- 2为什么说“磁体之间的相互作用是通过磁场发生的.”什么叫“磁体之间的相互作用”?
- 3把下面的一句话用另外的形式写出来(4种),不改变原意,形式不重复 句子一:1垂柳把溪水当作镜子来梳妆.
- 4_Tom ever _(be) to China before?
- 5用一根长9.6米的铁丝围成一个长方形模型,这个模型的体积的( )立方米.
- 6杜甫写的描写景的诗
- 7求五篇英语作文
- 8判断:同一时间、同一地点(午时除外),杆高和它的影长成正比例.
- 9三根钢材的长是12米、18米、24米,把它锯成同样长的钢材且不浪费,问每段最多是几米?一共可以锯成几段
- 10在320+480/40*2-40=20算式中添加括号,使等式成立.
- 1<<将相和>>中的将指( ),相指( ),和是( )意思.围绕课文写了哪三个故事,赞扬蔺相如什么品质
- 2博得一片掌声,博是什么意思?
- 3有机化学和分析无机物化之间的联系大不大
- 4高一地理 山地的聚落分布形状一般是怎样的
- 5麻烦帮着解释一下 1< 0.9999999……的问题 关于数学悖论 谁有好的题材呢 谢谢
- 6甲、乙、丙三个数的和是1101,已知甲数是乙数的4倍,丙数比乙数多1,求这三个数.
- 7在比例尺为1:2000000的地图上,量得甲、乙两地距离为3.6厘米,如果汽车以每小时36千米的速度从甲地到乙地,
- 8连词成句:is ,sometimes,in,windy ,spring ,it
- 9已知A为元素都是1的矩阵,A*A=n*A?
- 10DNA是基因的载体吗?还是染色体是基因的载体?