Riding the horse on the grassland
During the trip,I also had an unforgettable experience:riding the horse on the grassland.It was the first time that I should ride the horse alone.
The horse which would be ridden by me was a brown and beautiful horse.And,it was very small,it was the smallest horse I have ever ridden.At first,I was afraid of falling down from the horse.I was very nervous and couldn’t draw myself up.But,after nearly half an hour for practicing,I knew how to ride a horse.I began to ride the horse and enjoyed the warm sunshine happily.
I had a good time on the grassland.What a happy life the people there have!
The end of the summer holiday
Summer holiday will be finished soon.The homework has almost finished.During the summer holiday,I learnt a lot,broaden my mind by travelling and help others by doing the voleenteer work.Now,it’s the end of the summer holiday,a new term is coming.The first thing of the new term is the test which c
Riding the horse on the grassland
During the trip,I also had an unforgettable experience:riding the horse on the grassland.It was the first time that I should ride the horse alone.
The horse which would be ridden by me was a brown and beautiful horse.And,it was very small,it was the smallest horse I have ever ridden.At first,I was afraid of falling down from the horse.I was very nervous and couldn’t draw myself up.But,after nearly half an hour for practicing,I knew how to ride a horse.I began to ride the horse and enjoyed the warm sunshine happily.
I had a good time on the grassland.What a happy life the people there have!
The end of the summer holiday
Summer holiday will be finished soon.The homework has almost finished.During the summer holiday,I learnt a lot,broaden my mind by travelling and help others by doing the voleenteer work.Now,it’s the end of the summer holiday,a new term is coming.The first thing of the new term is the test which c
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