This is a survey from 51 people,among which are 20 females and 31 males.
For the question "if you like travel",most people select "yes" and only few people select "no".
From the graphic we can see that more than 25% people travel once each year,31% people travel twice each year.and more than 43% people travel 3 or even more than 3 times each year.
From the result of survey we can see that different people prefer different location of travel.
As to the question of "method of travel",it's most interesting.about 21% people like to go alone.and the rest 79% people are fond of going with family or friends.There are only 19% people go travel only for shopping,more than 64% people are travelling for sight seeing.
From the graphic we can also see that more than 54% people are spending 100 to 1000 pounds in travelling each year,and a few of them spend more than 5000 pounds.as to the transportation tool used in travel,more than 29% people prefer taking a plane.and the other vital transportation tools are train and car,which take up 51%.around half of the people are travelling for widening their sight and more than 39% people go travelling for relaxing.there are a few people aim to make new friends.
Most of people (88%) think it's important to travel.As to the short term travel plan,about 50% people said they will stay at home and 49% people said they will travel in the country or go abroad.
This is a survey from 51 people,among which are 20 females and 31 males.
For the question "if you like travel",most people select "yes" and only few people select "no".
From the graphic we can see that more than 25% people travel once each year,31% people travel twice each year.and more than 43% people travel 3 or even more than 3 times each year.
From the result of survey we can see that different people prefer different location of travel.
As to the question of "method of travel",it's most interesting.about 21% people like to go alone.and the rest 79% people are fond of going with family or friends.There are only 19% people go travel only for shopping,more than 64% people are travelling for sight seeing.
From the graphic we can also see that more than 54% people are spending 100 to 1000 pounds in travelling each year,and a few of them spend more than 5000 pounds.as to the transportation tool used in travel,more than 29% people prefer taking a plane.and the other vital transportation tools are train and car,which take up 51%.around half of the people are travelling for widening their sight and more than 39% people go travelling for relaxing.there are a few people aim to make new friends.
Most of people (88%) think it's important to travel.As to the short term travel plan,about 50% people said they will stay at home and 49% people said they will travel in the country or go abroad.
- 11 This toy horse is _______________
- 2平行四边形abcd,ac,bd交于o,ab=30,ac=60,角aob=30度,求bd的长.
- 3甲数比乙数多25%,也就是乙数比甲数少25%._.(判断对错)
- 4按兵不动的意思
- 5已知三角形三边长为整数2,X,4,则共可作出多少不同形状的三角形?当x为多少时,所作的三角形周长最大?
- 6长江中下游平原是我国三大什么基地之一,长江流域既是我国最大的 油菜籽产区,产区
- 722右20分之1乘以21分之1怎么简便计算
- 8一种动物或植物的灭绝是指——(?)
- 9已知A=2x^2-3ax+2x-1,B=x^2+ax+3x-2,且A-2B的值与x无关,求a的值
- 10如何辨别盐的酸碱性
- 1一只成熟的苹果,由于受地球的吸引而从树上落到地面,在此过程中苹果( ) A.一定吸引地球 B.不一定吸引地球 C.一定不吸引地球 D.无法确定是否吸引地球
- 2this英语怎么读
- 3修改病句:一家康复医院的门厅里张贴着一条标语:“康复医院欢迎您!”
- 4已知向量a=(sinα,cosα-2sinα),b=(1,2),若|a|=|b|,0
- 5this和the的用法区别,如什么时候用this apple什么时候用the apple
- 6写一个真诚的朋友的作文的结尾,400字,九点之前给!
- 7某商场卖出两件衣服都是一百二十元,已知其中一件赚了百分之二十五,另一件亏了百分之二十五.两件折合赚钱还是赔钱,盈亏多少元?
- 8求函数y=-3x^-6x+2的顶点坐标,对称轴及最值
- 9东经45度纬度0的地区气候类型是
- 10(-5/12)*(-1又1/15)*(-1.5)*(-1又1/4)-(-6)*(-55)