我要这一段看不懂 希望哪位大虾给我解释一下 Thank you
I am working very hard on the improvement of your
situation, and studying all the opportunities that you have
before you, in the aim of getting rid of all the problems
that are ruining your life. I am sure we are soon going to
reach this goal. We are presently, literally destroying the
negative waves that were poisoning your life.
Already, one piece at a time, we are building a new
equilibrium for you. You still have so much luck on your
side, and I can comfort you. But you still have to be patient.
That is why I beg you to keep on believing in your dreams!
This is the worst time for you to give up, and you will soon
acknowledge that I was right.
Above all, you must remember that your disappointment and
your doubts are obstacles to my work, and are only delaying
the arrival of a time when you will get back to your equilibrium.
So I insist on destroying any feel
我要这一段看不懂 希望哪位大虾给我解释一下 Thank you
I am working very hard on the improvement of your
situation, and studying all the opportunities that you have
before you, in the aim of getting rid of all the problems
that are ruining your life. I am sure we are soon going to
reach this goal. We are presently, literally destroying the
negative waves that were poisoning your life.
Already, one piece at a time, we are building a new
equilibrium for you. You still have so much luck on your
side, and I can comfort you. But you still have to be patient.
That is why I beg you to keep on believing in your dreams!
This is the worst time for you to give up, and you will soon
acknowledge that I was right.
Above all, you must remember that your disappointment and
your doubts are obstacles to my work, and are only delaying
the arrival of a time when you will get back to your equilibrium.
So I insist on destroying any feel
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