完形填空Tell them,sir.Tell them we are still living.Promise to remind them
“Tell them, sir. Tell them we exist. Promise to remind them of the forgotten.”
I can remember clearly the moment I heard those words.
I was walking back to my hotel in a strange city, and about to cross the street, when someone cried, “Watch out!” A car was backing out of a driveway right where I was standing. I didn’t pay attention.
I looked around wondering who had shouted.
Then I saw him. He raised his hand, and I waved back, but then decided I should actually say thanks in person.
He was leaning against a building down the street. The air was warm, and the sun visible at the end of the street.
I’d experienced it before, the smell and the appearance of a homeless person, but I’d never stopped before.
“Thank you!” I said.
“Do you have any change?” he asked.
“Are you hungry? Can I get you something to eat?”
He accepted, and we went into a nearby restaurant for some food.
He talked, and I listened. He asked me what I did, and I explained that I was a writer and speaker.
“Tell them, sir. Tell them we exist. Promise to remind them of the forgottenSuddenly I realized how sad it was to think that someone would feel being “forgotten”.
I remembered him when I sent a check to a rescue mission last week.
I know we should be happy with “enough” for millions, but “enough” never seems to come. So today I’m asking you to join me. Imagine for a moment that you’re standing there with me, talking to that man.
I can remember clearly the moment I heard those words.
I was walking back to my hotel in a strange city, and about to cross the street, when someone cried, “Watch out!” A car was backing out of a driveway right where I was standing. I didn’t pay attention.
I looked around wondering who had shouted.
Then I saw him. He raised his hand, and I waved back, but then decided I should actually say thanks in person.
He was leaning against a building down the street. The air was warm, and the sun visible at the end of the street.
I’d experienced it before, the smell and the appearance of a homeless person, but I’d never stopped before.
“Thank you!” I said.
“Do you have any change?” he asked.
“Are you hungry? Can I get you something to eat?”
He accepted, and we went into a nearby restaurant for some food.
He talked, and I listened. He asked me what I did, and I explained that I was a writer and speaker.
“Tell them, sir. Tell them we exist. Promise to remind them of the forgottenSuddenly I realized how sad it was to think that someone would feel being “forgotten”.
I remembered him when I sent a check to a rescue mission last week.
I know we should be happy with “enough” for millions, but “enough” never seems to come. So today I’m asking you to join me. Imagine for a moment that you’re standing there with me, talking to that man.
- 1某人用20牛的力推着300牛的小车在水平地面上匀速前进10米,则人的推力对小车做了 __焦的功,小车的重力做了_焦的功.
- 2张大妈拿一篮鸡蛋到市场上买,第一个顾客买了她全部鸡蛋的一半和半个,第二个顾客买了她余下鸡蛋的一半和半
- 3大量体育收藏品a great sports collection.a great是形容词吗
- 4‘爱我中华’为主题的朗诵或演讲稿
- 5日攘一鸡文言文翻译,
- 6请问前辈,坐标反算中求方位角的计算公式
- 7“PZ220—25”的灯泡,接在220V的电路中,当它正常工作时,灯泡的电功率应
- 8His hair is short.改一般疑问句,并肯定和否定回答
- 9功率为6.5KW用电器采用220V的交流电源选用多少平方的电线(铜线)
- 10描写四季的诗歌
- 1英语翻译
- 2甲、乙两人同时绕400米的环形跑道行走,如是他们同时从同一起点背向而行,2.5分钟可以相遇;如果他们同时从同一点同向而行,12.5分钟甲能追上乙.求甲乙两人每分钟走多少米?
- 3运动会作文200字.要几段!
- 4Engels coefficient
- 5东风小学有学生450人,女生人数是男生人数的比是4:5,这所学校男、女生各有多少人?
- 6甲乙两地480相距km客车上午8时从甲地出发,货车上午9时从乙地出发,中午12时两车正好在终点相遇,如果两车都从8时出发,到上午10时,两车相距多少km?
- 7graduation time 和expected graduation time有什么区别
- 8能变倍的望远镜比不变倍的望远镜,有什么缺点?
- 9晗和什么组词
- 10鲁迅为什么仇猫?(至少四点理由,从《朝花夕拾》中找)