The failure is not terrible,but millions of failures we misrealize is terrible.
The failure will result in succeeding.We can realize disadvantages from failures.We can get energy from failures.We can become more stronger from failures.Then we will approach the succeed nearly one step.
The failure can make us ripe.Face the dream lost,we can choose persistence or sorrow.Can we sorrow in the whole life?No,that's not intelligence.What can we choose is only persistence.Then we'll be succeed.Finally,we can understand that succeed just the way to learn how to become ripe!
Words mean nothing.Action means everything.Desire to succeed?Then ACTION.
The failure is not terrible,but millions of failures we misrealize is terrible.
The failure will result in succeeding.We can realize disadvantages from failures.We can get energy from failures.We can become more stronger from failures.Then we will approach the succeed nearly one step.
The failure can make us ripe.Face the dream lost,we can choose persistence or sorrow.Can we sorrow in the whole life?No,that's not intelligence.What can we choose is only persistence.Then we'll be succeed.Finally,we can understand that succeed just the way to learn how to become ripe!
Words mean nothing.Action means everything.Desire to succeed?Then ACTION.
1.We can become more stronger from failures.去掉more
2.Then we will approach the succeed nearly one step.succeed 改为success,nearly one step改为further away
3.Face the dream lost.Face改为Facing
4.Can we sorrow in the whole life?sorrow
改为be sorrow
5.that's not intelligence.intelligence改为intelligent
6.What can we choose is only persistence.
can we 改为we can
7.Then we'll be succeed.succeed改为successful
8.we can understand that succeed just the way to learn how to become ripe!
succeed 改为success is
9.Desire to succeed?to succeed改为success
2.Then we will approach the succeed nearly one step.succeed 改为success,nearly one step改为further away
3.Face the dream lost.Face改为Facing
4.Can we sorrow in the whole life?sorrow
改为be sorrow
5.that's not intelligence.intelligence改为intelligent
6.What can we choose is only persistence.
can we 改为we can
7.Then we'll be succeed.succeed改为successful
8.we can understand that succeed just the way to learn how to become ripe!
succeed 改为success is
9.Desire to succeed?to succeed改为success
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