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Why are western holidays so popular in China
One day,my friend Julia and I were having a conversation about holidays.And I asked her:‘ Julia,what is your favorite holiday?’ Julia burst out ‘Valentines’ Day.Bobby was so nice and romantic that night.’ ‘Then which holiday is the most important to you?’ ‘Hmm,that should be Christmas.There’s always this big celebration among friends.’ ‘Ok,which day will you choose to say I LOVE YOU to Bob,suppose he didn’t know that yet.’ ‘Actually I did tell him on April Fool’s Day’ ‘April Fool’s Day?’ I was confused.‘Sure’ she said’ If you are denied,you can say ‘kidding!’ without being embarrassed’
But I was a little embarrassed,as a traditional Chinese.Why are all the holidays my friend is fond of imported from the west.Is it just because the whole nation is enthusiastic about learning English and western culture that makes western holidays so popular?I said no to myself as soon as I brought it up.Most Young Chinese,rushing to buy flowers and chocolates in a craze,don‘t know the historical origin of Valentine‘s Day!Then what’s the real cause of this phenomenon?
First,I think,commercial benefits are the best impetus!Why do more and more people come to know about western festivals?Because it is too hard to deny those advertisements all around you!Regardless of whether Chinese are importing the essence of Western festivals,business owners must seize the opportunity to fill their cash registers.Maybe the businessmen,rather than the young people,are the happiest on such occasions.
Second,western festivals pay much attention to sentiment.For example,people send roses on Valentine’s Day,and take it as an opportunity to express love to their lovers.It is the emotional appeal that attracts us.On the other hand,Chinese traditional Valentines’ Day has never been a big event in China.Young women,demonstrating their domestic skills,such as sewing and weaving,and praying to marry a good husband seems to be far out of date.
A survey shows that most youngsters love foreign festivals because of the joy and pleasure in them.As to the difference between foreign festivals and chinese traditional ones,most males think that Chinese festivals rest on the material activities of eating and wearing new clothes,while foreigners pay much attention to communication of feelings and ideas.Meanwhile,most females think they become too tired during traditional festivals but feel free and easy going during western holidays.
With social development,festivals are going through change.Some are weakened; some are strengthened; while others are endowed with new meanings or connotations.This is the natural process of cultural selection.Therefore,it is unnecessary to feel embarrassed about the bustle of foreign festivals.This is only an aspect of world cultural integration.
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