病句一:Gaving the book to me,please.
病句二:Put the box at here.
病句三:Here is an other phtotgraph of my family.
病句四:The boat is in a river.
病句五:I'm going to paint the desk to white.
病句六:Don't putting it on the floor.
病句七:What are you going to do this box?
病句八:Do you doing your homework?
病句九:They are cleaning thier toothes.
病句十:Show to me your new drees.
病句一:Gaving the book to me,please.
病句二:Put the box at here.
病句三:Here is an other phtotgraph of my family.
病句四:The boat is in a river.
病句五:I'm going to paint the desk to white.
病句六:Don't putting it on the floor.
病句七:What are you going to do this box?
病句八:Do you doing your homework?
病句九:They are cleaning thier toothes.
病句十:Show to me your new drees.
病句一:【Gaving-Give】 the book to me,please.
病句二:Put the box 【去掉at】 here.
病句三:Here is 【an other-another】 phtotgraph of my family.
病句四:The boat is 【in-on】 a river.
病句五:I'm going to paint the desk【去掉to】 white.
病句六:Don't 【putting-put】 it on the floor.
病句七:What are you going to do 【with】this box?
病句八:【Do-Are】 you doing your homework?
病句九:They are cleaning thier 【toothes-teeth】.
病句十:Show 【去掉to】 me your new drees.
病句二:Put the box 【去掉at】 here.
病句三:Here is 【an other-another】 phtotgraph of my family.
病句四:The boat is 【in-on】 a river.
病句五:I'm going to paint the desk【去掉to】 white.
病句六:Don't 【putting-put】 it on the floor.
病句七:What are you going to do 【with】this box?
病句八:【Do-Are】 you doing your homework?
病句九:They are cleaning thier 【toothes-teeth】.
病句十:Show 【去掉to】 me your new drees.
- 1一次函数Y=X+1的图像是直线L,与反比例函数y=k1/x的图像交于点C(1,Y0),若一次函数Y=KX+B的图像过C,且与X轴交于点A,L与X轴交于点B,当三角形ABC的面积为4时.
- 2board of management是什么意思
- 3Fes(硫化亚铁)是什么颜色?
- 4在地球仪上,赤道周长和经线长度( )
- 5三角函数收缩变换公式问题
- 6九分之四乘37.5%+八分之三除以五分之九 怎样简算?
- 7”裳”的读音与意思
- 8寻1~20和30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100的英语序数词,
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- 10已知sina,cosa是关于x的一元二次方程2x∧2+(√2+1)x+m=0的两个根,试求
- 1重为100牛的小车在光滑的水平面上做匀速直线运动,受到的阻力为20N,则该小车在水平方向受到的推力是
- 2给一群小朋友饼干.如果没每人发7块,还多2块;如果每人发8块,还缺6块.有几个小朋友?有几块饼干?
- 3一台太阳能热水器的吸热面积面积是2.5m²,水箱里的水的质量是200kg.太阳光正对吸热板照射875 S 时,水箱里的水升高了1℃,若太阳辐射能转化为水的内能的效率是60%求:
- 4某商场经销一种商品,由于进货时价格比原进价降低了6.4%,使得利润率增加了8个百分点,那么经销这种商品原来的利润率是多少?
- 5有一台收割机,作业宽度1.8m.每小时行5km,大约多少小时可以收割完左边这块地?
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- 7某工地要用30吨混凝土 水泥占 四分之一 黄沙12吨 其余的是石子 水泥黄沙石子重量的比是
- 8车上有很多地方需要利用光的反射,怎么样利用反射呢?那些地方,应怎么样防止反射?
- 9概念 运动中的天体相互吸,引相互绕转,形成天体系统.比如月球绕地球转就是卫星
- 10平面直角坐标系问题 点A(-a,5),B(3,b)关于y轴对称,则a=?,y=?