3关于交朋友的对话(friendS and friendship)、
3关于交朋友的对话(friendS and friendship)、
- Tim, what made you so excited?
- Don't you heard about that? Our country was just selected as the host of the Olympics last night!
- Really? That's great! But why you're exhilarating about it?
- Because it'll bring a lot of good effects. You see, first, it will bring tremendous opportunities to our country, in addition, we'll benifited from various areas from the games.
- Right, such as employment opportunities? Civil condtruction?
- Exactly. I'm a super sports fan, I won't give up any chances to sit in real stadiums to veiw many international games and to meet famous athletes such as Yao ming!
- OK, I see your point, gotta go for my class, see you!
- See you!
- Hey, Jasson! Winter vacation is coming, where are you planning to go?
- I'm not sure yet, there are lots of places to choose, can't make up my mind.
- Well, who you're gonna go with, then?
- Nobody, I plan to travel alone.
- Alone? Why? Did you have a fight with your friends?
- No, acually, I enjoy to travel myself because in this way I can set up my own schedule without any disturbance and I don't have to think about other opions.
- But it there's a companion, the trip would be more fun, safer, and cheaper! Don't you think?
- Nah, you see, if two people travel along, there must have different ideas on where to go and which scens to see, I hate contradictions and arguments, if I travel by myself, the situation wouldn't happen,
- I see your point there.Though I still think it would be much more interesting with a friend by my side.
- You're right, But I want to learn how to solve the problem myself while traveling, it's a chance t practice the ability to face conflicts and difficulties, so I regard it to be helpful to travel alone.
- Hi, Julian! I have a question to ask, do you have the time?
- Yeah, sure, bring it up.
- Well, could you tell me what do you think of friendship and your friends?
- That's a interesting question. Well, I just love the feeling when being with my friends. because it's obvious that people crave for love and friendsship of others and no one wants to be left out of the party. Being in a circle of friends gives me support.
- Right, they can give you advice on your problems.
- Exactly, we love to help each other, so relationship such as friendship is important to me. We all have to depend on someone, and no one is better to count on than a friend by yourside.
- I agree. With friendship, we develop together.
- Yes, what do you think of friends?
- It's hard to say, I just have the fear for loneliness and try to seek and win friends to give me a sense of security, I think.
- Same to me.
以上为原创~ 满意请采纳!
- Tim, what made you so excited?
- Don't you heard about that? Our country was just selected as the host of the Olympics last night!
- Really? That's great! But why you're exhilarating about it?
- Because it'll bring a lot of good effects. You see, first, it will bring tremendous opportunities to our country, in addition, we'll benifited from various areas from the games.
- Right, such as employment opportunities? Civil condtruction?
- Exactly. I'm a super sports fan, I won't give up any chances to sit in real stadiums to veiw many international games and to meet famous athletes such as Yao ming!
- OK, I see your point, gotta go for my class, see you!
- See you!
- Hey, Jasson! Winter vacation is coming, where are you planning to go?
- I'm not sure yet, there are lots of places to choose, can't make up my mind.
- Well, who you're gonna go with, then?
- Nobody, I plan to travel alone.
- Alone? Why? Did you have a fight with your friends?
- No, acually, I enjoy to travel myself because in this way I can set up my own schedule without any disturbance and I don't have to think about other opions.
- But it there's a companion, the trip would be more fun, safer, and cheaper! Don't you think?
- Nah, you see, if two people travel along, there must have different ideas on where to go and which scens to see, I hate contradictions and arguments, if I travel by myself, the situation wouldn't happen,
- I see your point there.Though I still think it would be much more interesting with a friend by my side.
- You're right, But I want to learn how to solve the problem myself while traveling, it's a chance t practice the ability to face conflicts and difficulties, so I regard it to be helpful to travel alone.
- Hi, Julian! I have a question to ask, do you have the time?
- Yeah, sure, bring it up.
- Well, could you tell me what do you think of friendship and your friends?
- That's a interesting question. Well, I just love the feeling when being with my friends. because it's obvious that people crave for love and friendsship of others and no one wants to be left out of the party. Being in a circle of friends gives me support.
- Right, they can give you advice on your problems.
- Exactly, we love to help each other, so relationship such as friendship is important to me. We all have to depend on someone, and no one is better to count on than a friend by yourside.
- I agree. With friendship, we develop together.
- Yes, what do you think of friends?
- It's hard to say, I just have the fear for loneliness and try to seek and win friends to give me a sense of security, I think.
- Same to me.
以上为原创~ 满意请采纳!
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