My Birthday的英语小作文
I was born in March 10,1989.So March 10 is my birthday.I began to give a birthday party in 1996.Later on I have my birthday party every year.
Last Saturday I had my birthday party at home.A few of my friend came to my party.Everyone bought me a birthday present,and they all say,"Happy birthday to you."Then I said"Thank you very much."
My mother made my birthday cake and cooked some delicious food.My friend helped me to put the candles on the big cake.Then we began the party.
I had a good time that day.We sang and played games,and ate delicious food.How happy I am!
Last Saturday I had my birthday party at home.A few of my friend came to my party.Everyone bought me a birthday present,and they all say,"Happy birthday to you."Then I said"Thank you very much."
My mother made my birthday cake and cooked some delicious food.My friend helped me to put the candles on the big cake.Then we began the party.
I had a good time that day.We sang and played games,and ate delicious food.How happy I am!
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