India has a long tradition of government planning but the degree of government intervention in the economy has been reduced in the last two decades.Privatization started in 1991,with the creation and sale of a small number of shares in some SOEs.This process speeded up in the first decade of the 2000s.In2004,for instance,the Indian government sold off some of its shares in the Oil and National Gas Corporation and some shares in the airports of Delhi and Mumbai,hoping that this would stimulate more investment and greater efficiency.This privatization has been opposed by the communist parties of India which argue that firms perform better in the public sector.最好标准点的.
India has a long tradition of government planning but the degree of government intervention in the economy has been reduced in the last two decades.Privatization started in 1991,with the creation and sale of a small number of shares in some SOEs.This process speeded up in the first decade of the 2000s.In2004,for instance,the Indian government sold off some of its shares in the Oil and National Gas Corporation and some shares in the airports of Delhi and Mumbai,hoping that this would stimulate more investment and greater efficiency.This privatization has been opposed by the communist parties of India which argue that firms perform better in the public sector.最好标准点的.
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