he Speeding Ticket
A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding...
Officer:May I see your driver's license?
Driver:I don't have one.I had it suspended when I got my fifth DUI.
Officer:Can I see the registration for this vehicle?
Driver:Oh,it's not my car.I stole it.
Officer:The car is stolen?
Driver:Yeah.Oh,but come to think of it,I think I saw the registration in the glove compartment when I was putting my gun in there.
Officer:You have a gun in there?
Driver:Yes sir.That's where I put it after I shot the lady who owns the car.She's in the trunk.
Officer:There's a BODY in the trunk?!
The officer tells the man to hold on,backs off carefully,and calls for backup.Quickly,the car is surrounded by police,and the captain approaches the driver to handle the situation.
Captain:Sir,can I see your license?
Captain:Hmm,this license is just fine.Whose car is this?
Driver:It's mine,officer.Here's the registration.
Captain:Could you slowly open the glove compartment,please,so I can see if there's a gun in there?
Driver:Yes,sir,but there's no gun in it.
He opens it,and sure enough,there's no gun.
Captain:Would you mind if we opened the trunk?I was told you said there's a body in there.
Driver:No problem.
The trunk is opened,nothing in there but a spare tire.
Captain:The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license,stole the car,had a gun in the glove compartment,and that there was a dead body in the trunk.
Driver:Yeah,I'll bet he told you I was speeding,too!
he Speeding Ticket
A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding...
Officer:May I see your driver's license?
Driver:I don't have one.I had it suspended when I got my fifth DUI.
Officer:Can I see the registration for this vehicle?
Driver:Oh,it's not my car.I stole it.
Officer:The car is stolen?
Driver:Yeah.Oh,but come to think of it,I think I saw the registration in the glove compartment when I was putting my gun in there.
Officer:You have a gun in there?
Driver:Yes sir.That's where I put it after I shot the lady who owns the car.She's in the trunk.
Officer:There's a BODY in the trunk?!
The officer tells the man to hold on,backs off carefully,and calls for backup.Quickly,the car is surrounded by police,and the captain approaches the driver to handle the situation.
Captain:Sir,can I see your license?
Captain:Hmm,this license is just fine.Whose car is this?
Driver:It's mine,officer.Here's the registration.
Captain:Could you slowly open the glove compartment,please,so I can see if there's a gun in there?
Driver:Yes,sir,but there's no gun in it.
He opens it,and sure enough,there's no gun.
Captain:Would you mind if we opened the trunk?I was told you said there's a body in there.
Driver:No problem.
The trunk is opened,nothing in there but a spare tire.
Captain:The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license,stole the car,had a gun in the glove compartment,and that there was a dead body in the trunk.
Driver:Yeah,I'll bet he told you I was speeding,too!
- 1土壤是由()()和气体3类物质组成的,固体物质包括矿物质、有机质秒微生物等,液体物质主要指土壤中的(),气体是指存在于土壤空隙中的()
- 2Where did you go last Saturday afternoon?
- 3用文字、语言等把事物的形象表现出来叫——( )
- 4甲、乙二人为希望小学捐款84元,如果乙捐款数增加3分之1,两个人捐款数就相等.甲捐多少元?
- 5纽约与北京的时差为—13时,老刘在NY乘坐2月10日早8点的航班飞行约20小时到达上海,那么,老刘到达上海的时间是几点?
- 6是on my way back home还是on my way home
- 7哪个国土地面积是世界第一大国
- 8有没有在黄河流域发生的英雄故事?
- 9那你看到我问的这个问题的题目,你怎么就会联想到用无穷大无穷小的定义来做呢?求做极限问题经验
- 10构成生物有机物的物质通过( )者的( )作用进入食物链