I remember whay you wore on the first day,you came into my life and I thought hey
I remember whay you wore on the first day
you came into my life and I thought hey
you know this could be something
cause everything you do and words you say
you know that it all takes my vreath away
and now I'm left with nothing
so maybe it's true
that I can't live without you
well maybe two is better than one
there's so much time
to figure out the rest of my life
and you've already got me coming undone
and I'm thinking two
is better than one
I remember whay you wore on the first day
you came into my life and I thought hey
you know this could be something
cause everything you do and words you say
you know that it all takes my vreath away
and now I'm left with nothing
so maybe it's true
that I can't live without you
well maybe two is better than one
there's so much time
to figure out the rest of my life
and you've already got me coming undone
and I'm thinking two
is better than one
Boys Like Girls的Two Is Better Than One
- 1You want to borrow the book the Story of Lei Feng,What would you say to the assistant in the library
- 2生活中根据什么现象能判断方向
- 3英语选择题George was the only boy at school___i really liked
- 4妈妈买水果,买的荔枝的个数是苹果的5倍,己知荔枝比苹果多104个,妈妈买的荔枝和苹果各多少个?
- 5怎样区分拼音中的二声和三声?
- 6化学式的书写规范
- 7英语翻译
- 8如图,一架梯子AB(厚度不计)斜靠在墙上,梯子顶端A离墙底部O点的距离为4.5米,梯子底端B离O的距离为三米,如果梯子的顶端A下滑了1.5米到c点,那么梯子的底端B在水平方向滑动了几米到点D?能用全等
- 9二次函数一般式变顶点式
- 10欧阳修的什么文章在初中课本里
- 1高数求极限,求极限:lim(x趋向0) [1-cosx(cos2x)^1/2(cos3x)^1/3]/[ln(1+x)-x]
- 2海洋体积占地球体积的比例
- 3简答题 (26 9:32:8)
- 417.当今教育改革核心是( ) A教学方法改革 B课程改革 C教育评价改革 D教育结构改革
- 5世界伟大女性的故事
- 6小红在做作业是其中的一道题被污染成(21ab^3污染+7a^2b^2)÷(-7a²b)=污染+5ab-b
- 7a+5是无理数是a无理的什么条件?
- 8形容人来人往,非常热闹的成语
- 9某农户三年前承包了荒山若干亩,并投资7800元在山上种果树,今年水果喜获丰收,总产量为18000千克,此水果在市场每千克售a元,在果园每千克售b元(b<a),如果该农户将水果拉到市场出售,平均每天出售
- 10王字旁加一个力念什么?