difficuties i have in english learning英语作文
English is being treated as a world language because of its vast
presence all over the world. At this juncture, learning English gains
currency. Majority of Indian students, particularly from rural pockets
consider this seven-letter word as a magical and a mystical word. The
moment they hear something in English they start feel uneasiness. As a
result of this, teachers who handle English classes face insurmountable
difficulties. Students too find it difficult to listen and to understand the
English language. What are the reasons for this? What are the remedial
measures to be taken to alleviate these problems? This paper critically
evaluates the problems faced by students in the language classroom when
they enter into college environment. Appropriate and adequate remedial
measures are cited for the successful rectification of these problems too.
Twelve years of school study do not make students mastery over
English. Why this happen? While they are in schools English is not taught
properly. As majority of the students are hailed from rural areas, bilingual method is adopted in language classes. This method helps only to slowlearners
to some extent. Moreover, this act reduces the real learning process
as a whole. If a student does not understand anything in English, he/she asks
for explanation in L1 i.e. in his/her mother tongue. Consequently, the
English teacher is in a state to adopt bilingual method. ELT specialists view
this as a wrong methodology.
In schools, students are being taught that English is an international
language. To learn this language requires constant practice and patience.
The kind of feeling that prevails among students is that it is not possible to
achieve fluency or mastery over English language. This kind of tendency
prevents students from learning new languages like English. Since most of
the students are first generation learners, how can a student get acquainted
with the foreign language with regard to English without any guidance from
their parents and others? Even though students are studying English, they are
not able to produce even a single sentence without any grammatical error in
English. The reason stated for this is that they study subjects from the
examination point of view only. This is true with English language too. Our
examination system is such that it makes students’ rote memorisation rather
than testing their analytical and creative skills. In this process, they
memorise lessons, reproduce them in exam halls and forget them in the same
day itself.
Students learn basic grammar at school level for the purpose of
passing only in the tests and in the examinations and not to face any real life
situations. Application-oriented advanced grammar is not taught in schools.
Furthermore, adequate practice is not given to students to learn a language.
Exposure too is far less to them. School study is an important phase in
students’ life. A student grows from a small child to a grown up when he/she
completes higher secondary examinations. After this phase, a student enters
into college life. This period is considered as a transition period. The system
followed in colleges is different from that of schools. Moreover, students
have their own whims and fancies about college life because of the
tremendous influence of mass-medias like theatres and satellite channels on
them. These medias project a false perception about colleges and students.
On seeing such things in movies, students take it for granted. As a result of
this, they have formed an image for a college and want to act upon those
During twelve years of school life students learn consistency,
discipline, determination, order and obedience. The moment he/she enters
into college life, he thinks as if he/she got freedom. He/she forgets good
things, which he learnt through twelve years of rigorous training in school.
The general thinking about college among student community is that college
is very liberal in dealing with the students. No one cares for anything. They do not have responsibilities at all. Whatever they think they can implement
them. Attending class is not compulsory. Keeping these views in mind they
find it difficult in sitting in classrooms and listening to the lessons being
taught to them. All their views about a college are shattered into pieces the
moment when a teacher enters in a classroom and begins to teach and
imposes certain restrictions on them. At this juncture, severe problems start
with the slow-learners. These students too passed in the higher secondary
examinations. For them, sitting and listening a language class is something
an uphill task, while others listen the class with rapt attention. There are two
problems which a language teacher faces at this critical point of time. First, a
teacher has to manage all the students in a classroom. If any of the students
create problems it is an embarrassing situation for him/her. Second, the
teacher identifies the students who create problems. It is not advisable to
punish such boys in front of others. This is so because students will be
affected psychologically. Sometimes students may turn against teachers.
Simultaneously, they begin to see a teacher as his adversary. This is not a
healthy trend. At the same time, to correct them inside the classroom will
reduce the teaching time. There is also a danger of deviation from the
teaching of subject too. The hyperbolic portrayal of students in colleges in
movies which is contrary to what is actually going on in colleges. The very
day a student enters in a college, he associates himself with a student of
college as shown in movies. The problem arises at the initial stage itself with
such students. So, the primary task of teachers is to guide them in proper
way and make them realise the value of college life.
presence all over the world. At this juncture, learning English gains
currency. Majority of Indian students, particularly from rural pockets
consider this seven-letter word as a magical and a mystical word. The
moment they hear something in English they start feel uneasiness. As a
result of this, teachers who handle English classes face insurmountable
difficulties. Students too find it difficult to listen and to understand the
English language. What are the reasons for this? What are the remedial
measures to be taken to alleviate these problems? This paper critically
evaluates the problems faced by students in the language classroom when
they enter into college environment. Appropriate and adequate remedial
measures are cited for the successful rectification of these problems too.
Twelve years of school study do not make students mastery over
English. Why this happen? While they are in schools English is not taught
properly. As majority of the students are hailed from rural areas, bilingual method is adopted in language classes. This method helps only to slowlearners
to some extent. Moreover, this act reduces the real learning process
as a whole. If a student does not understand anything in English, he/she asks
for explanation in L1 i.e. in his/her mother tongue. Consequently, the
English teacher is in a state to adopt bilingual method. ELT specialists view
this as a wrong methodology.
In schools, students are being taught that English is an international
language. To learn this language requires constant practice and patience.
The kind of feeling that prevails among students is that it is not possible to
achieve fluency or mastery over English language. This kind of tendency
prevents students from learning new languages like English. Since most of
the students are first generation learners, how can a student get acquainted
with the foreign language with regard to English without any guidance from
their parents and others? Even though students are studying English, they are
not able to produce even a single sentence without any grammatical error in
English. The reason stated for this is that they study subjects from the
examination point of view only. This is true with English language too. Our
examination system is such that it makes students’ rote memorisation rather
than testing their analytical and creative skills. In this process, they
memorise lessons, reproduce them in exam halls and forget them in the same
day itself.
Students learn basic grammar at school level for the purpose of
passing only in the tests and in the examinations and not to face any real life
situations. Application-oriented advanced grammar is not taught in schools.
Furthermore, adequate practice is not given to students to learn a language.
Exposure too is far less to them. School study is an important phase in
students’ life. A student grows from a small child to a grown up when he/she
completes higher secondary examinations. After this phase, a student enters
into college life. This period is considered as a transition period. The system
followed in colleges is different from that of schools. Moreover, students
have their own whims and fancies about college life because of the
tremendous influence of mass-medias like theatres and satellite channels on
them. These medias project a false perception about colleges and students.
On seeing such things in movies, students take it for granted. As a result of
this, they have formed an image for a college and want to act upon those
During twelve years of school life students learn consistency,
discipline, determination, order and obedience. The moment he/she enters
into college life, he thinks as if he/she got freedom. He/she forgets good
things, which he learnt through twelve years of rigorous training in school.
The general thinking about college among student community is that college
is very liberal in dealing with the students. No one cares for anything. They do not have responsibilities at all. Whatever they think they can implement
them. Attending class is not compulsory. Keeping these views in mind they
find it difficult in sitting in classrooms and listening to the lessons being
taught to them. All their views about a college are shattered into pieces the
moment when a teacher enters in a classroom and begins to teach and
imposes certain restrictions on them. At this juncture, severe problems start
with the slow-learners. These students too passed in the higher secondary
examinations. For them, sitting and listening a language class is something
an uphill task, while others listen the class with rapt attention. There are two
problems which a language teacher faces at this critical point of time. First, a
teacher has to manage all the students in a classroom. If any of the students
create problems it is an embarrassing situation for him/her. Second, the
teacher identifies the students who create problems. It is not advisable to
punish such boys in front of others. This is so because students will be
affected psychologically. Sometimes students may turn against teachers.
Simultaneously, they begin to see a teacher as his adversary. This is not a
healthy trend. At the same time, to correct them inside the classroom will
reduce the teaching time. There is also a danger of deviation from the
teaching of subject too. The hyperbolic portrayal of students in colleges in
movies which is contrary to what is actually going on in colleges. The very
day a student enters in a college, he associates himself with a student of
college as shown in movies. The problem arises at the initial stage itself with
such students. So, the primary task of teachers is to guide them in proper
way and make them realise the value of college life.
- 1侯德榜在化工领域的三大贡献是什么?
- 2写段排比句
- 3矩形截面对Z轴的惯性矩bh3/12公式中的b是什么意思
- 4奇数有哪些1、5、7、52、16、120、19、35、97、11、80这里面哪些是奇数、偶数、质数、合数?
- 5英语翻译
- 6为什么宇宙中的一切都在转 地球在绕着太阳转 太阳绕着银核转 是什么力促成了这一切
- 7下列问题的总体、个体、样本、样本容量是什么?
- 8Put these words in alphabetical order.Then compelte the rule.是神马意思,急用,快
- 9单项选择:Can I put my books here?—Yes,put_____.A.it there B.them there C.its here
- 10用博识,美艳,消释,褪尽,凛冽写一段话
- 1英语翻译
- 2某车间生产4800台机器,比计划多800台,多生产了_%.
- 3一物体在某星球表面上受到的万有引力大小是它在地球上受到万有引力的n倍,该星球半径是地球半径的M倍
- 4如图所示,倾角为30°的光滑斜面与粗糙的水平面平滑连接.现将一滑块(可视为质点)从斜面上A点由静止释放,最终停在水平面上的C点.已知A点距水平面的高度h=0.8m,B点距C点的距离L=2.0m
- 5在Rt△ABC中,AB=c,BC=a,AC=b,∠B=90°. (1)已知a=6,b=10,求c. (2)已知a=24,c=25,求b.
- 6)设X服从N(0,1),(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6)为来自总体X的简单随机样本,Y=(X1+X2+X3+)^2+(X4+X5+X6X)^2 求c,使得cy服从X^2(卡方分布)
- 7英语翻译
- 8固若金汤,精雕细琢的反义词
- 9作文——《我心中的汤姆索亚》
- 10一个圆柱体的无盖铁皮水箱,底面直径为6分米,做这个铁皮水箱至少要铁皮多少平方米?如果要在其中放入5分米深的水,需要水多少升?