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Life in the Year 2100
Since the 1950s,we have destroyed more than a third of our natural world.Our way of life has caused many serious environmental problems.We use huge amounts of natural resources and produce too much rubbish .Pollution is changing the Earth's climate and our planet is getting hotter The big question is;will things ever change for the better?
There are some scientists who are optimistic.They believe that with the help of science and strict laws today's environmental problems will disappear in the future.Other scientists are pessimistic.They believe that environmental problems are getting worse and soon it will be too late to save the environment .Let's see what predictions the pessimistic and the optimistic scientists have made about life on Earth in the year 2100.
The Earth's population will probably be 22.2 billion.
The earth's temperature will be 1.4 to 5.8℃ higher than it is today.The ice at the North and South Pole will melt and the sea level will rise by 9 to 88cm.Cities at or below sea level will sink.
Half of the Earth's plants and animals will disappear along with the tropical rain forests .
We will use up all the Earth's natural resources.People won't be able to survive on Earth.,so they will have to find a new planet to live on.
The law will oblige families to have no more than one child,and this will reduce the Earth's population to two billion.
People will use environmentally-Friendly energy sources like the sun and the wind.Which do not pollute the air ,so the Earth's temperature will not increase.
Strict laws will protect animal and plant species from extinction.
A population of two billion people will need fewer natural resources,so there will be enough food ,water,etc.For everyone.


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