Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:Six years ago,I joined NASA.
Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:I have flown in a spacecraft three times
Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:Yes,I enjoyed the journey to space very much
It was exciting
Bob Green:Have you worked on the space station?
Astronaut:________________________.I‘ve been there twice.
Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:Yes,I have.The Earth looked very beautiful!
Bob Green:How wonderful I'm looking forward to seeing that ,too.In the future,I'd
like to be an astronaut.
Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:Six years ago,I joined NASA.
Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:I have flown in a spacecraft three times
Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:Yes,I enjoyed the journey to space very much
It was exciting
Bob Green:Have you worked on the space station?
Astronaut:________________________.I‘ve been there twice.
Bob Green:________________________?
Astronaut:Yes,I have.The Earth looked very beautiful!
Bob Green:How wonderful I'm looking forward to seeing that ,too.In the future,I'd
like to be an astronaut.
When did you join NASA?
How many times have you flown in a space craft?
Did you enjoy your journey?
Yes, I have worked in the space station.
Have you seen the Earth in the space?
记得别把标点也复制了,要是纸质的话不要写上标点哦 ^-^
How many times have you flown in a space craft?
Did you enjoy your journey?
Yes, I have worked in the space station.
Have you seen the Earth in the space?
记得别把标点也复制了,要是纸质的话不要写上标点哦 ^-^
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