Lesson 86 Out of control
The moment the speedboat struck the buoy,both men were thrown into the water.As it moved off very quickly across the water,the men began to swim towards the shore.Turning in a circle,the speedboat came straight towards them.After it had just missed them,they swam until they were out of danger.When the boat returned it had lost speed.Soon all the petrol was used up and it floated across the water.
(76 words.)
Lesson 87 A perfect alibi
At the time of the murder,the man claimed that he had been travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London and had arrived at work on time.When the inspector asked if a later train would get him to work on time,the man agreed it would but said that he always travelled early.The inspector suggested that he was lying because,that morning,the 8 o'clock train broke down,so the man must have caught the 8,25.(79 words.)
The moment the speedboat struck the buoy,both men were thrown into the water.As it moved off very quickly across the water,the men began to swim towards the shore.Turning in a circle,the speedboat came straight towards them.After it had just missed them,they swam until they were out of danger.When the boat returned it had lost speed.Soon all the petrol was used up and it floated across the water.
(76 words.)
Lesson 87 A perfect alibi
At the time of the murder,the man claimed that he had been travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London and had arrived at work on time.When the inspector asked if a later train would get him to work on time,the man agreed it would but said that he always travelled early.The inspector suggested that he was lying because,that morning,the 8 o'clock train broke down,so the man must have caught the 8,25.(79 words.)
- 1英语-stress
- 2铁与钢那个更易被腐蚀
- 3某校化学兴趣小组欲用盐酸和锌粒制取氢气,他们在实验室分别取了两瓶盐酸,a瓶标有HCl,12%,b瓶标有
- 4H2SO4中的2 、1、4各有什么含义
- 5文言文《童趣》中的徐喷以烟“以”是什么意思?
- 6An e-friend is a machine that looks just like human being .
- 71/6(27-3x)=6 还有9/5(x+2)=18/3(3x+8)
- 8一堆化肥共165 吨,分给甲乙丙三个村,甲与乙的比2:3,丙比乙少3吨,三村各得?
- 9一块完整的骨骼肌上没有的是 A成骨细胞 B肌细胞 C血管 D神经
- 10氯化氢溶于水有无化学键断裂?若有,是什么共价键还是离子键?
- 1已知命题p:方程x^2/4-t+y^2/t-1=1所表示的曲线为焦点在x轴上的椭圆:命题q:关于实数t的不等式t^2-(a+...
- 2(1+i)-(2-3i)
- 3乘火车从A站出发,沿途经过4个站后到达B站,那么在AB两站之间有多少种不同的票价?需要多少种不同的车票?
- 4<冬阳·童年·骆驼队>的简介主要内容
- 5古代寓言《矛与盾》中那个卖矛又卖盾的人矛盾的话是“(),()”与(),()”.
- 6jian点jian字三声
- 7用24各大小相同的小正方体搭出2个物体,使其中一个物体的体积是另一个物体体积的2倍
- 8水的密度为什么在4度时最小
- 9电压源一定是发出功率吗?(大学电路)
- 101cm的线段在石10倍的放大镜下是多少厘米