Much of modern communication is done through the Internet as it transmits all kinds of information. Teenagers compose a major group of the Internet users, as we use it to research for papers, chat with friends and read e-mails.Obviously, we use the Internet because we need it. We need the quick access to information and knowledge. We need to communicate with our friends via QQ or Skype. We need the convenience that the cyberspace offers.
Now we can save our time buying things through the Internet, but we lose the chance to talk with people face to face. And what we only get is spending more time on the Internet! It numbed our feelings. I don’t suppose an emoticon is better than a real smile, or a real hug. Because we human beings are made of flesh, n
Now we can save our time buying things through the Internet, but we lose the chance to talk with people face to face. And what we only get is spending more time on the Internet! It numbed our feelings. I don’t suppose an emoticon is better than a real smile, or a real hug. Because we human beings are made of flesh, n
- 1木工师傅做一个宽60cm,长80cm长方形木框,为求稳固,加一根木条,问木条长度
- 2若a,b为实数,且b=根号a²-9+根号9-a²除以a+3再+4,则a+b的值为多少?
- 3判别下列命题的真假,并说明理由.
- 4关于x的方程2x-4=3m和x+2-m有相同的根,则m=?
- 5电源正极的电势为什么比负极高?
- 6数列2,7,23,47,119,() 请帮忙
- 7对司马迁一生的感想!
- 8将1815分成三部分,其中甲数占总数的33分之16,乙与丙的比是10:7求这三个数各是多少,求算式
- 9某校积极推进“阳光体育”工程,本学期在九年级11个班中开展篮球单循环比赛(每个班与其它班分别进行一场比赛,每班需进行10场比赛).比赛规则规定:每场比赛都要分出胜负,胜一场
- 10英语摘抄50词左右
- 152°的白酒2两,含有多少克酒精?
- 2如何根据图像判断速度的方向
- 3几道英语单选,在线等```````~
- 4小乐用放大镜看指纹时,觉得指纹的像太小,为使指纹的像大一些,正确的做法是( ) A.放大镜和手指不动,让眼睛离放大镜稍近些 B.放大镜和手指不动,让眼睛离放大镜稍远些 C.眼睛
- 5犟龟!
- 6为什么在水里加盐鸡蛋会浮起来?
- 7钟表的时针在15分钟内转过了多少度
- 8鸡和兔一共15只,它们共有 46条腿,问鸡兔各有多少只?
- 91.Our English teacher likes to read China_____(day) 2.The TV is____(打开)now
- 10I have really small hands是什么意思?