首字母英语 When you are still a baby,mother looks a____ you as much as possible.
When you are ill,she stops her work at once on look after you day and n_____and forgets about herself.When you hurry to leave home for school with little b_____,she always feels worried about you at home.She usually knows about your s______ and spends much money on you school things.When you do well at school ,you will see the brightest smile.Mother is always r_________ to give everything she has to her children.What ture love that is in the w_______!
When you are ill,she stops her work at once on look after you day and n_____and forgets about herself.When you hurry to leave home for school with little b_____,she always feels worried about you at home.She usually knows about your s______ and spends much money on you school things.When you do well at school ,you will see the brightest smile.Mother is always r_________ to give everything she has to her children.What ture love that is in the w_______!
night,breakfast,study,ready,world 题目中应该填after
- 1关于亲情的名言名句
- 2九个小九宫格组成的大九宫格
- 3明天就要上交了,
- 4I assure you I am more than glad to help you.
- 5当x= -1时,代数式2ax的三次方-3bx+8的值为18,求9b-6a+2的值
- 6整数的四则运算是否就是整数的加减乘除?
- 7古文 生于忧患,死于安乐中的通假字,一字多义,古今异义
- 8在科学中人们用甚么来描写物体运动的快慢
- 9火车在平直轨道上匀速行驶的过程中能量如何转化呢?动能___、机械能___、内能基本不变,可火车的运行还是要消耗能量,其能量是不是消失了?______.火车运行过程中能量守恒吗?_____.
- 10He works in China.(变一般疑问句)
- 1若直角三角形的三边长分别为a,b,c(其中c为斜边长),则三角形的内切圆半径是?,外接圆的半径是?
- 2某工程队修一条工路,晴天可修100米,雨天可修60米,一连修了六天,共修了520米,在六天中晴天,雨天各有几天?
- 3如何用CAD 实现不规则几何图形面积的计算
- 4Steven has got some money to buy the stamps(改为一般疑问句)
- 5小华同学去坡度为1比2的土坡上种树 要求株距(相邻两树间的水平距离)是4米 求斜坡上相邻两树间的坡面距离
- 6People grow rice in the south of China.改为被
- 7如图,在倾角为a的固定光滑斜面上,有一用绳子拴着的长木板,木板上站着一只猫.已知木板的质量是猫的质量的2倍.当绳子突然断开时,猫立即沿着板向上跑,以保持其相对斜面的位置不变
- 8要延长日光灯的寿命该正么办
- 9描写绿叶的诗句有哪些?
- 10已知,a,b,c为△ABC的三边,化简|a-b-c|+|b-c-a|+|a+b-c|.要理由 当然