The relationship between language, culture and identity is a complicated one. Culture is closely linked to language. Without language, culture cannot be completely acquired nor can it be effectively expressed and transmitted. Without culture, language cannot exist. Language and culture are so interconnected that it is difficult to define the parameters of language and culture. It is generally agreed among trained scholars that language is a part of culture. Meanwhile, identity is a dynamic and ongoing process, and identity shifts take place frequently long with the fluid of language and culture.
The relationship between language, culture and identity is a complicated one. Culture is closely linked to language. Without language, culture cannot be completely acquired nor can it be effectively expressed and transmitted. Without culture, language cannot exist. Language and culture are so interconnected that it is difficult to define the parameters of language and culture. It is generally agreed among trained scholars that language is a part of culture. Meanwhile, identity is a dynamic and ongoing process, and identity shifts take place frequently long with the fluid of language and culture.
- 1由同义词组成的词语 如:吩咐
- 2人们用智慧和创造力改造环境的具体事例
- 3How to make my lessons effective?
- 4mother asks me to stop ( )TV Awatch Bto watch Cwatching
- 5关于我国冬季气温特点及成因的叙述,正确的是
- 6A car( )(hit)the boy and rolled him over.
- 7中国教育问题 英语能取消吗?
- 8than they have meat or fish with vegetables.是什么意思
- 9I will never forget the day when we joined the Part.改为简单句是不是:
- 10一个数的20%比这个数少4,这个数是多少?
- 1一堆煤的1/3与这堆煤的1/4合起来是28吨,这堆煤共有多少吨?
- 2小李打一份2700字的稿件.她5小时打了7/9.她平均每小时打多少个字?
- 3On Sunday morning ,my sister u 1 gets up very late.Then she w 2 her face and
- 4国画清明上河图的作者是谁,它反映了哪个朝代,什么地方的哪些活动场景,请举出其中的2个场景,要简短
- 5曹冲称象利用的关于浮力的原理
- 6热学公式中q,c,m,t1,t2分别指什么
- 7在同一音级上构成的全音叫什么
- 8关于尊重的古诗词~
- 9王叔叔有2元和5元的人民币共100张其中5元人民币的总钱数比2元的 总钱数多80元.2元的人民币和5元的各多少
- 10矩形纸片的两边长分别为 8cm 6cm,将这张纸片沿对角线折叠,重合部分是三角形,这个三角形的三边的边长分