What have been the most important surprises you have noticed from things getting out of control?
When things get out of control, it is a sign that significiant change is happening. Change is a necessary process for growth and Life itself is about growing. Congratulations!
Why do we have to assume that we know what everything is for, what everyone is supposed to be and why things happened the way they did?
Without any effort from me, the Sun goes up every morning and the rain falls every spring. Birds sing and flowers bloom whether I am aware of them or not.
Is it so important that everything goes the way you expected? Relax and sit back. Let the Force show you how wonderfully great everything is when you let go.
Control? Who needs it!
Why do we have to assume that we know what everything is for, what everyone is supposed to be and why things happened the way they did?
Without any effort from me, the Sun goes up every morning and the rain falls every spring. Birds sing and flowers bloom whether I am aware of them or not.
Is it so important that everything goes the way you expected? Relax and sit back. Let the Force show you how wonderfully great everything is when you let go.
Control? Who needs it!
- 1英语翻译
- 2I have 句型
- 3某人骑自行车比步行每小时多走8千米,如果他不行12千米所用时间与汽车行36千米所用时间相等,那么他步行
- 4已知 0小于α小于二分之π,且sinα=五分之三
- 5轮船先顺水航行46千米,在逆水航行了40千米所用的时间,恰好与他在静水中航行80千米所用的时间相等,水流的速度是每小时3千米,则轮船在静水中的速度是多少千米/时?
- 6-0.9-5.8等于多少?3分之1-2分之1-4分之1等于多少?0-5.5-(-8右2分之1)-(+7右2分之1)等于多少
- 7仿照示例,标出诗句的朗读节奏 英雄失去理想,蜕作庸人
- 8怎样提高语文阅读理解能力
- 9上面是竹字头,下面是提手旁加上留,请问是读什么?
- 10X的平方+1/ X的平方=方根10,求X的平方-1/ X的平方