If your Visa and Study Permit are still valid you should be permitted back into Canada. Please be advised that the expiry date on a Visa cannot be extended. If you wish to depart after the expiry of your visa you must re-apply for a new visa.
A new application must include ALL the required documents, information submitted on a previous application will not be transferred onto a new application.
However, if you underwent a medical examination in connection with your application, you must arrive in Canada within one year of the date of the examination. For this reason, if you submit a new application within nine months after the date of your first medical examination you may be exempted from the medical exam.
If your Visa and Study Permit are still valid you should be permitted back into Canada. Please be advised that the expiry date on a Visa cannot be extended. If you wish to depart after the expiry of your visa you must re-apply for a new visa.
A new application must include ALL the required documents, information submitted on a previous application will not be transferred onto a new application.
However, if you underwent a medical examination in connection with your application, you must arrive in Canada within one year of the date of the examination. For this reason, if you submit a new application within nine months after the date of your first medical examination you may be exempted from the medical exam.
- 1有关历史问题:为什么第一次工业革命发生在英国,而第二次工业革命却发生在美国和德国而不是英国呢?又为
- 2走字加偏旁,组成新字
- 3H2、D2、T2之间是同素异形体吗?
- 4先找规律,再填数:1/1+1/2-1=1/2,1/3+1/4-1/2=1/12,1/5+1/6-1/3=1/30,1/7+1/8-1/4=1/56,则1/2011+1/2012-_=1/2011×20
- 5在一张长方形纸上画1个圆,可以把这张纸分为两个部分;画3个圆,最多能把这张纸分为几个部分?
- 6向18.6g NaOH和Na2CO3 的混合物中加入100g稀盐酸刚好反应,产生气体4.4g .求:
- 7《狼牙山五壮士》文章表现形式上最大的特点
- 8()像(),()啊()啊,()怎么造句子
- 9求This is our school小学五年级水平的英语作文
- 10(-2ab)²(5a²b-二分之一ab²+四分之一b³)
- 1they only go shopping in that big s_____
- 2绝胜烟柳满皇都 皇都什么意思
- 3描述一个人的性格有什么词语.人品的词语.
- 4浣溪沙全诗意思
- 51.2乘8.36的意义是什么
- 6已知角A与角B互补,且角B比角A大60度,则角A=___,角B=____
- 7美国历史上有两次资产阶级革命.1.其主要政治任务有何不同2.两次革命完成任务的途径和过程有何相同特点?3
- 8发酵箱,发酵包子温度,湿度怎么调?
- 9已知a,b,c分别是△ABC的三边,关于x的方程x2+2√bx+2c-a=0有两个相等的实数根,方程3cx+2b=2a的根为0.
- 10解方程组:根号3x减根号2y=1 ①根号2x减根号3y=0②