1: 2011年4月初,上海多家超市爆出“染色馒头”事件:过期馒头重新回收加工,玉米面黑米面馒头是白馒头和添加剂的“合成品”,这类馒头食用过多会对人体造成危害.
1: In early April 2011, Shanghai broke out "dyeing steamed bun" event in a number of supermarkets : including re-recycling expired steamed bun, and corn flour and brown rice steamed bun are "synthetic products" using white steamed bun with additives. If such steamed buns are eaten too much, it will cause hazards to human health.
2: 2011年3月15日,央视栏目披露,河南孟州等地养猪场采用违禁动物药品,“瘦肉精”喂养生猪,而这些有毒猪肉流向了双汇.研究证明,含有瘦肉精的肉会对人体产生危害,导致人中毒.长期食用会导致染色体基变.
2: on March 15, 2011, CCTV program disclosed that pig farms in places like Henan Mengzhou use the prohibited animal drug “the thin carnosine” to feed the live pig. And these virulent pork has flowed out to market. The research proves that pork that has the thin carnosine is harmful to the human body, it is poisonous to human. Long-term taking will cause the human chromosome base to change.
3: 由于相关部门对食品生产安全的操作监管不力,是得中国食品行业严重违规,违法销售不合格食品的现象屡禁不止,中国的食品监管一直采用分段管理为主,品种管理为辅的办法,在实际的操作过程中,各职能部门之间要么出现争着监管,重复执行的现象,要么出现争着不管互相推诿扯皮的现象,这就给某些行业违法生产、销售不合格食品以可乘之机.
3: Because the inadequate supervision of related departments in food production safety operation, this gives rise to the Chinese food industry acting against the law seriously, the illegal sale of “not-to-standard” food phenomenon occurred repeatedly. The Chinese food supervision has primarily used the partition management method, with the variety management as the auxiliary means to supervise food sale. However, in the actual operating process, it is either struggle between departments giving rise to redundant execution, or when functional departments has get hold of the supervision power but then passes the buck to others phenomenon. This gives certain industries chances to be exploited to carry out illegal production, and sale of “not-to-standard” food.
1: In early April 2011, Shanghai broke out "dyeing steamed bun" event in a number of supermarkets : including re-recycling expired steamed bun, and corn flour and brown rice steamed bun are "synthetic products" using white steamed bun with additives. If such steamed buns are eaten too much, it will cause hazards to human health.
2: 2011年3月15日,央视栏目披露,河南孟州等地养猪场采用违禁动物药品,“瘦肉精”喂养生猪,而这些有毒猪肉流向了双汇.研究证明,含有瘦肉精的肉会对人体产生危害,导致人中毒.长期食用会导致染色体基变.
2: on March 15, 2011, CCTV program disclosed that pig farms in places like Henan Mengzhou use the prohibited animal drug “the thin carnosine” to feed the live pig. And these virulent pork has flowed out to market. The research proves that pork that has the thin carnosine is harmful to the human body, it is poisonous to human. Long-term taking will cause the human chromosome base to change.
3: 由于相关部门对食品生产安全的操作监管不力,是得中国食品行业严重违规,违法销售不合格食品的现象屡禁不止,中国的食品监管一直采用分段管理为主,品种管理为辅的办法,在实际的操作过程中,各职能部门之间要么出现争着监管,重复执行的现象,要么出现争着不管互相推诿扯皮的现象,这就给某些行业违法生产、销售不合格食品以可乘之机.
3: Because the inadequate supervision of related departments in food production safety operation, this gives rise to the Chinese food industry acting against the law seriously, the illegal sale of “not-to-standard” food phenomenon occurred repeatedly. The Chinese food supervision has primarily used the partition management method, with the variety management as the auxiliary means to supervise food sale. However, in the actual operating process, it is either struggle between departments giving rise to redundant execution, or when functional departments has get hold of the supervision power but then passes the buck to others phenomenon. This gives certain industries chances to be exploited to carry out illegal production, and sale of “not-to-standard” food.
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