寒假生活指导 英语阅读答案 Welcome to White pines forest.This is one of>>>>>>>>>>>>
Welcome to White Pines Forest.This is one of the most beautiful places in the state,but it can also be dangerous.If you’re planning a hike:
Wear comfortable shoes or boots,and take along an extra pair of socks.That way you’ll have dry socks to change into if you need them.
Wear clothes in layers(多层) that you can put on and take off.As you walk,you’ll probably get warmer.Then you can just take off a layer or two.Don’t forget to carry a waterproof(防水的) jacket.The weather can change quickly here.
Take some light food along.Dried fruits and nuts are good energy snacks.Be sure to carry plenty of drinking water.There are no water supplies(供应) along the trails.
There are some poisonous(有毒的) snakes in the forest,but you won’t meet them if you hike along the trails.Remember that snakes won’t bother you if you don’t disturb them.
Allow yourself enough time to get back to the camp before dark,so that you won’t get lost.Make some marks along the way you go.
Welcome to White Pines Forest.This is one of the most beautiful places in the state,but it can also be dangerous.If you’re planning a hike:
Wear comfortable shoes or boots,and take along an extra pair of socks.That way you’ll have dry socks to change into if you need them.
Wear clothes in layers(多层) that you can put on and take off.As you walk,you’ll probably get warmer.Then you can just take off a layer or two.Don’t forget to carry a waterproof(防水的) jacket.The weather can change quickly here.
Take some light food along.Dried fruits and nuts are good energy snacks.Be sure to carry plenty of drinking water.There are no water supplies(供应) along the trails.
There are some poisonous(有毒的) snakes in the forest,but you won’t meet them if you hike along the trails.Remember that snakes won’t bother you if you don’t disturb them.
Allow yourself enough time to get back to the camp before dark,so that you won’t get lost.Make some marks along the way you go.
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