1.who served you?The man who/that is standing behind the counter.
2.who served you?The woman who/that is standing behind the counter.
3.who is making all that noise?The men who/that are repairing the road.
4.I served him yesterday.He is the man who(m)/that I served yesterday.
5.I served her yesterday.She is the woman who(m)/that I served yesterday.
6.I saw them yesterday.They are the men who(m)/that I saw yesterday.
7.which bok did you buy?The book which/that is on the counter.
8.Which books did you buy?The books which/that are on the counter.
9.Which dog is yours?The dog which/that is carrying that basket.
1.who served you?The man who/that is standing behind the counter.
2.who served you?The woman who/that is standing behind the counter.
3.who is making all that noise?The men who/that are repairing the road.
4.I served him yesterday.He is the man who(m)/that I served yesterday.
5.I served her yesterday.She is the woman who(m)/that I served yesterday.
6.I saw them yesterday.They are the men who(m)/that I saw yesterday.
7.which bok did you buy?The book which/that is on the counter.
8.Which books did you buy?The books which/that are on the counter.
9.Which dog is yours?The dog which/that is carrying that basket.
1 谁招待(服侍)的你?站在柜台后面的那个男人.2 谁招待(服侍)的你?站在柜台后面的那个男人.3 那噪音是谁发出的?那些修路的人4 昨天我招待的他.他就是昨天我招待的那个人5 同4,把他换成她即可.6 昨天我看见她们了....
- 1面积等于128平方米,长和宽均为自然数的长方形共有几个
- 2某商店规定:喝完啤酒后,用4个空瓶可换1瓶啤酒,小刚买了21瓶啤酒,实际最多可以喝到多少瓶啤酒?
- 3学校买篮球比买排球多花84元,买回篮球5个,每个56元,买回的排球每个49元.学校买回多少个排球?
- 418与27的和除405,商是多少
- 5有谁知道有机食品标志的含义?
- 6be very careful等于take_____care
- 7先化简,再求值:1/x+2−x2−4x+4x2−x÷(x+1−3/x−1),其中x满足x2+2x-4=0.
- 8甲乙辆车相向而行,甲车长50米,乙车长80米,甲车的速度是乙车的2倍,如果坐在乙车上的人见甲车驶
- 91.用盐水选种,要求盐水的密度为1.2×10³kg/m³,现在配置了体积为0.4dm³的盐水,称得其质量为0.52㎏,这样的盐水是否符合要求?如果不符合要求该如何配制?
- 10底面积为100cm^2的容器内装880g的水,将体积为200cm^3的木块放入水中,水面升高10cm,木块的密度?
- 1具备类似蝴蝶的翅膀的昆虫有哪些
- 2如何调整投影机屏幕的大小
- 3在△ABC中,G是重心,D,E分别在边AB,AC上,且D,G,E三点共线,△ADE的面积为S1,四边形BCED的面积为S2.
- 4已知矩形ABCD.以AD,AB为边向内做等边三角形ADE和等边三角形ABF,延长DF,BE相交于点G
- 5左边金字旁 右边竖弯钩是什么字
- 618世纪60年代,工业革命为什么首先在英国发生?
- 7定义集合运算A*B={Z丨Z=xy,x∈A,x∈B},设置A={1,2},B={0,2},则集合A*B的所有元素之和为 A0 B2 C3 D6
- 81mg为什么等于多少kg
- 9为什么我国神舟号飞船都要在酒泉发射呢
- 10爱因斯坦说:“哲学可以被认为是全部科学之母.”这说明哲学是对具体科学的