The Merlion was first designed as an emblem for the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) in 1964 – the lion head with a fish body resting on a crest of waves quickly became Singapore’s icon to the rest of the world.
Care to meet the President in his home?If you’re lucky,you just might!The Istana (or “palace” in Malay) is the official residence of the President of Singapore and just five times a year,its gates are open to members of the public.
Having undergone a spectacular facelift as a national heritage site,CHIJMES (pronounced “chimes”) is now a popular dining,shopping and entertainment site.CHIJMES Hall,the restored chapel,provides a breath-taking backdrop for musicals,recitals,theatrical performances and weddings.
Meet Singapore’s most famous Grande Dame – born in 1887 and never looking better!Raffles Hotel is one of the world’s last great 19th century hotels,having been the retreat and source of inspiration for many writers and movie stars,including Somerset Maugham,Rudyard Kipling,Joseph Conrad and Charlie Chaplin.
Care to meet the President in his home?If you’re lucky,you just might!The Istana (or “palace” in Malay) is the official residence of the President of Singapore and just five times a year,its gates are open to members of the public.
Having undergone a spectacular facelift as a national heritage site,CHIJMES (pronounced “chimes”) is now a popular dining,shopping and entertainment site.CHIJMES Hall,the restored chapel,provides a breath-taking backdrop for musicals,recitals,theatrical performances and weddings.
Meet Singapore’s most famous Grande Dame – born in 1887 and never looking better!Raffles Hotel is one of the world’s last great 19th century hotels,having been the retreat and source of inspiration for many writers and movie stars,including Somerset Maugham,Rudyard Kipling,Joseph Conrad and Charlie Chaplin.
- 1我最喜欢的乐器的英语作文
- 2客货两车同时从甲乙两地相对开出,客车行完全程用10小时,货车行完全程要15小时,两车相遇后,客车又行了96
- 3have to与have got to在意思上有什么区别吗
- 4盘古开天地中渐渐缓缓慢慢说明了什么
- 5100+110+120+130+140+.+1010=?具体如何算法?请算数高手列出公式!
- 6"原子核外有4个电子层,最外层有1个电子的元素只有K" (×)
- 7白鸽 席慕容 1.为什么以白鸽为题?2.父母为什么把男孩送到姑姑家?用原文回答
- 8有一包白色固体样品含碳酸钠,碳酸钙,氯化钠中的两种,怎样区别其成分?
- 9电磁继电器的触点用什么金属做好?
- 10已知整数x满足不等式3x-4y≤6x-2和(4x-1)/3-1<(x-1)/2,并且满足方程3(x+a)+2-5a=0,求代数式
- 1right 应用什么时态?
- 2英语翻译
- 3含“诗”字的四字词
- 4一件工作,甲单独完成需a天,乙单独完成需b天,则两人合作,需____天可以完成
- 5请教一句古话或者一句成语【形容自己境界太高,其他人不理解,反而嘲弄】
- 6若a的2x子方=2/3,则(a的3x子方+a的负3x子方)/(a的x子方+a的负x子方)等于多少
- 7一个凸多边形的内角的度数从小到大排列,恰好依次增加相同的度数,其中最小角是100°,最大角是140°,求这个多边形的边数.
- 8一队学生去校外郊游,他们以每小时5千米的速度行进,经过一段时间后,学校要将一紧急的通知传给队长.通讯员骑自行车从学校出发,以每小时14千米的速度按原路追上去,用去10分钟追
- 9I Was born in the year of the pig
- 10Don't holding my hands翻译下..