Hi claudia,
This is now the third email I am sending to you regarding problems with the way goods are packed.Please see pics attached.I need for you to seriously address this issue with the factory as it is outrageous and not acceptable.It seems that the factory doesn't care about the way they send goods to us.This is a poor reflection on Huajie Trading and I don't have problems with you.Claudia sort it out with the factory.
1.The cartons are poorly marked the writing is not legible enough for us to read.
2.There is no quantity and ratios listed on the area that is marked.
3.The goods are packed badly.There is over the normal limit of garments put into the one carton
4.As u can see the boxes are practically bursting at the seams.
As to whether the factory is addressing this problem.
I need a confirmation mail from you ASAP!
Hi claudia,
This is now the third email I am sending to you regarding problems with the way goods are packed.Please see pics attached.I need for you to seriously address this issue with the factory as it is outrageous and not acceptable.It seems that the factory doesn't care about the way they send goods to us.This is a poor reflection on Huajie Trading and I don't have problems with you.Claudia sort it out with the factory.
1.The cartons are poorly marked the writing is not legible enough for us to read.
2.There is no quantity and ratios listed on the area that is marked.
3.The goods are packed badly.There is over the normal limit of garments put into the one carton
4.As u can see the boxes are practically bursting at the seams.
As to whether the factory is addressing this problem.
I need a confirmation mail from you ASAP!
Hi claudia,克劳迪娅:This is now the third email I am sending to you regarding problems with the way goods are packed.Please see pics attached.I need for you to seriously address this issue with the f...
- 1英文你怎么说
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- 3窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船.
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- 8观察下列式子的特点并求值. 1-2+3-4+5-6+…+99-100.
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- 1怎么判断电解质和非电解质
- 2see
- 3如何理解“故日月星辰移焉;地不满东南,故水潦尘埃归焉”?
- 4应用题:小华有1角,2角,5角三种邮票,共21元6角.已知这三种邮票的张数都是相同的,小华共有邮票多少张?
- 5已知a>b≥0,c>0,是判断 - 与 - 的大小关系,并加以证明.
- 6观察下面的数(式)的排列规律,写出它后面的数(式): (1)-1,3,-9,27,_,_,…. (2)2+2/3=22×2/3,3+3/8=32×3/8,4+4/15=42×4/15,_,….
- 7已知函数f(x)=sin^x+根号3sinxcosx+2cos^x,x属于R
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