In some ways the findings come as less than a total shock, although this is a crude criticism of an attempt to find out what managers believe good managers need to be good at. Part of the lack of surprise comes from the way the author had to exclude any competencies specificto a particular firm or industry. This may also, as he acknowledges,be the reason for one of the few surprises, which is that specialized knowledge is a threshold competence only:‘neither the interviews nor the tests included questions about specialized knowledge needed during certain events’
In some ways the findings come as less than a total shock, although this is a crude criticism of an attempt to find out what managers believe good managers need to be good at. Part of the lack of surprise comes from the way the author had to exclude any competencies specificto a particular firm or industry. This may also, as he acknowledges,be the reason for one of the few surprises, which is that specialized knowledge is a threshold competence only:‘neither the interviews nor the tests included questions about specialized knowledge needed during certain events’
- 1周记(作文)
- 2“战犯汤恩伯21日到芜湖督战,不起丝毫作用”此句从侧面写出了什么?
- 3解方程 x-3分之2x-5=18
- 4(2)如图所示,一个木箱原来静止在光滑水平面上,木箱内粗糙的底板上放着一个小木块.木箱和小木块都具有一定的质量.现使 木箱获得一个向右的初速度 v0,则 .(填选项前的字母)
- 5保护野生动物的标语(不少于20字)
- 6思念家乡的古诗(写全诗)
- 7Who do you think is _____(boring),Tim or Tom?
- 8不定式意料之外结果和表目的的区别
- 9车间有三个组,一组人数占全车间9分之2,从二组调6人到一组,那么三个小组人数就相等了加工车间一共有多少人
- 10-x^(n+4)+81x^n(y-z)^2因式分解
- 1考试中,ABCDE五个人的平均成绩比C、D、E三人的平均成绩低5分,A、B两人的平均分为80分求五个人平均分?
- 2x×x+y×y+2x-8y-17=0,求x的2011次方加xy的值
- 3五分钟回答正确一定采纳 翻译句子 人们应该学会怎样保护自己
- 4宾语从句是不是间接引语
- 5是they usually go to the shop and help their mother to do some shopping对还是they usually go to the shop
- 6夏至3庚是头伏,1庚是多少天?
- 7形容没有自己容身的地方,形容惭愧到极点的词语意思?
- 8在一条笔直的公路的旁边有两个居民小区A、B,已知小区A到公路的距离是300米,小区B到公路的距离是100米,则小区AB之间的距离范围是多少?试画图说明.
- 9Can you _ the TV set for me so that it is not too bright?A.switch B.balance C.change D.adjust
- 10如图,矩形ABCD中,AB=3,BC=4,若将矩形折叠,使C点和A点重合,求折痕EF的长.