l just do what l want to
l just do what l want to do your work well and don't
let you she l don't explain
what l can only say that she doesn't have a conslience selfish not put my love for
her when she actually
happened or because of money away .since she loves
money let heryo
although she deeply hure me oh but l think this is for me
a lesson for you you're very good is,l can 't l canmit live without you.l just don't know
how to tell you after all my
own hands.
down a woman is a shame l couldn't explain to you
l'm sorry
l'm sorry l and your really can't
l just do what l want to do your work well and don't
let you she l don't explain
what l can only say that she doesn't have a conslience selfish not put my love for
her when she actually
happened or because of money away .since she loves
money let heryo
although she deeply hure me oh but l think this is for me
a lesson for you you're very good is,l can 't l canmit live without you.l just don't know
how to tell you after all my
own hands.
down a woman is a shame l couldn't explain to you
l'm sorry
l'm sorry l and your really can't
- 1Tony,viSited,Some,shops,on,the,Internet,改为否定句
- 2什么是三角函数
- 3strange things are happened in our neighborhood.改错为什么取are?
- 4用紫藤萝瀑布的写法写一篇作文,不少于200字,从 向日葵、爬山虎、串串红、喇叭花 这4中植物中选一种写. 要求是:像紫藤萝瀑布一样的写法,争取多用修辞,语
- 5已知a+b=3/2,ab=2,求代数式a平方b+2a平方b平方+ab平方的值
- 6先读一读,再照样子写词语.
- 7李叔叔家卧室长4.5米,宽5米,8米,门和窗户的面积是4·8平方米.1,如果要间卧室,至少粉刷多大的面积,2,如果粉刷两遍,第一遍每平方米用涂料0·4生,第二遍比第一遍少用4分之一,一共需要多少升的涂
- 8电流在磁场中 为什么受力
- 9已知阿尔法,贝塔属于(3π/4,π),sin(阿尔法+贝塔)=-3/5,sin(贝塔-π/4)=12/13,则sin(阿尔法+π/4)=
- 10形容什么都懂一点的词语
- 1洋流对海洋生物的分布有何影响?
- 2如图所示,已知AD∥BC,∠A=∠C,试证明:AB∥CD.
- 31.夫兰克-赫兹实验中氩原子吸收的能量来自受加速电压作用的电子,若加速电压连续增大,则原子吸收的能量是否也会连续增大?
- 4on my opinion是什么意思
- 5非常感谢你邀请我到你家来.()a lot ()()me to your home
- 6平角等于几度,它的一半是什么角,它的2倍是什么角?
- 7六年级写植物的作文
- 8从大格里拿出8个梨放到小格里,大格里的梨还比小格里的梨多4个原来大格里的梨比小格里的梨多几个?求求你了
- 91个数乘10,得到的数比原来多108,原来的数是多少?
- 10成键释放的能量加所成键的键能等不等于旧健断裂吸收的能量