语法填空I was walking along the street one day 1_ I saw something very strange.I noticed a man the
same height 2_ me who had a beard 3_mine.He was wearing a blue shirt and an old pair of jeans and he was carrying a bag 4_ some book in it.He was just crossing the road ahead of me 5_ he was not avoiding me delibcrately,I was sure of that.As he went across the road I followed him.I wondered whether or not to stop him and 6_(ask) him 7_he had noticed something strange too.I was still thinking about it about it when he turned round suddenly and we looked at each other.We looked amazed ."It's 8_ (believe),isn't it " I said as I stared at his face,9_ was just like mine ,and at his hair,which 10_(be) also just like mine ."You are my double .You look exactly the same as me".
same height 2_ me who had a beard 3_mine.He was wearing a blue shirt and an old pair of jeans and he was carrying a bag 4_ some book in it.He was just crossing the road ahead of me 5_ he was not avoiding me delibcrately,I was sure of that.As he went across the road I followed him.I wondered whether or not to stop him and 6_(ask) him 7_he had noticed something strange too.I was still thinking about it about it when he turned round suddenly and we looked at each other.We looked amazed ."It's 8_ (believe),isn't it " I said as I stared at his face,9_ was just like mine ,and at his hair,which 10_(be) also just like mine ."You are my double .You look exactly the same as me".
1 when
2 as
3 like
4 with
5 and
6 asked
7 if
8 unbelievable
9 which
10 was
2 as
3 like
4 with
5 and
6 asked
7 if
8 unbelievable
9 which
10 was
- 1my jod is to take care of the sick是什么英语啊
- 2《水调歌头(明月几时有)》的诗句
- 3小马记算一个小数除法时,把商的小数点点错了一位,所得的商比正确的商多了10.8,正确的商应该是多少
- 4连词成句 know,girls,not,Linda two does those
- 5已知a+b+c=1,a平方+b平方+c平方=2,a立方+b立方+c立方=3,求a,b,
- 6贼终于忍不住了,忍字说明了什么?对表达中心起了什么作用
- 7乌云和大雨一起从天空中倾泻下来,这句话怎么改病句
- 8《红楼梦》分上、中、下三册,全书共108元.上册比中册贵11元,下册比中册便宜2元,上、中、下各多少元?
- 9对于有理数x、y,定义一种新运算“※”:x※y=ax+by+c,其中a,b,c为常数,等式的右边
- 10求下面图形中阴影部分的面积(单位:
- 1敢于挑战权威的事例
- 2读了丰子恺的《手指》明白了什么道理.
- 3【洛阳市第五十五中学】用英文怎么说?要标准的,顺序要对
- 4用6块长为3厘米,宽为2厘米,高为1厘米的长方体拼成一个大长方体,有许多种拼法,其中表面积最小的是多少
- 5一个同学左手拿着一只秒表,右手拿着一枝彩色画笔,当他的同伴牵动一条宽约5mm的长纸带,使纸带在他的笔下沿着直线向前移动,每隔1秒他用彩色画笔在纸带上点一个点,如图;连续的6个点,量得S1=5.18cm
- 6在三角形ABC中,角B等于两个角C,AD垂直于BC于D,M是BC的中点.求证:DM=二分之一AB
- 7关于环保的小诗
- 8个底面为正方形的饼干盒,长是高的5分之3,现在要将它四周贴上商标纸,求商标纸的面积.正方形边长15厘.
- 9找规律填空:33,17,9,53,()
- 10一道数学题没看懂,求赐教,第13题