英语范文[something i want to tell you]
I have something to tell you...
I have something to tell you.
It's a little hard to describe with words,
but I know that if anyone will understand what I'm trying to say...you will.
The things that warm a person's heart,that fill a person's soul,and that make it hard to count one's blessings because there's just so much to count...
those things are the things ...that make life the best it can possibly be.
I don't know how I got so lucky in my life,and I know i don't always deserve it.But I want to thank you,from the bottom of my heart,for giving so many of those blessings and beautiful things...to me.
I have something to tell you.
It's a little hard to describe with words,
but I know that if anyone will understand what I'm trying to say...you will.
The things that warm a person's heart,that fill a person's soul,and that make it hard to count one's blessings because there's just so much to count...
those things are the things ...that make life the best it can possibly be.
I don't know how I got so lucky in my life,and I know i don't always deserve it.But I want to thank you,from the bottom of my heart,for giving so many of those blessings and beautiful things...to me.
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