英语读后感 500字
With confidence to fill myth
-- the feeling after reading Crusoe lubin sun
Confidence is often makes people have the courage to live.Confidence,courage,ability,have experience,you can succeed.28 years,a surprising number,a magical number!While he was in the sea,lubin sun,the wild life drift teus.vanguard!Why he can take all these dangerous,through a variety of difficulties,hard to survive?I gradually with their doubts into the book...
Life is compared to a bumpy road,you may not have difficulty,no setbacks.Anyway,we all want to have confidence,courage,have the courage to traverse the steps.Indeed,we need truly,don't always optimistic to see the world in the dark side,must see the bright future of the day.The navigator of mythology,with a man's wisdom and confidence to fill,optimistic,he created such miracles.
-- the feeling after reading Crusoe lubin sun
Confidence is often makes people have the courage to live.Confidence,courage,ability,have experience,you can succeed.28 years,a surprising number,a magical number!While he was in the sea,lubin sun,the wild life drift teus.vanguard!Why he can take all these dangerous,through a variety of difficulties,hard to survive?I gradually with their doubts into the book...
Life is compared to a bumpy road,you may not have difficulty,no setbacks.Anyway,we all want to have confidence,courage,have the courage to traverse the steps.Indeed,we need truly,don't always optimistic to see the world in the dark side,must see the bright future of the day.The navigator of mythology,with a man's wisdom and confidence to fill,optimistic,he created such miracles.
- 1数学暑假作业要提取公因式10题,公式法10题,分组分解法10题,十字相乘法10题,-
- 2已知一圆与直线3X+4Y-2=0相切于点p(2,-1),且截x轴的正半轴所得的弦长是8,求此圆的方程.
- 3一辆客车与一辆货车的速度比是5:4,货车先出发从梧州开往昭平,当距离梧州16.8千米时,客车从昭平出发开往梧州,两车相遇时货车行了全程的一半,求昭平至梧州的路程有多少千米?
- 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13这九数填入九宫格要横行竖行斜行的和都一样
- 5A ray of my sunshine这句话的语法对吗?
- 6含ear读音的单词有什么?
- 7“我思故我在”(Cogito,ergo sum.I think therefore I am.
- 812.相加等于几
- 9grade当分数或成绩讲时有复数吗
- 10本人认为宇宙上除了我们人类还有文明生命体大家认为呢?