当前位置: > 英语作文:The older I grow,the__________(200字)...网上有好多.但都被抄过了.水平:...
英语作文:The older I grow,the__________(200字)...网上有好多.但都被抄过了.水平:


The older I grow, the wider a generation gap is. When I was little, my parents taught me what was right and what was wrong. They loved me so much that they would like me to listen to them for my benefits. As I turned into a teenager, I got lots of ideas from the books I read, and peer friends I made. Sometimes, those ideas were opposite to my parents' opinions. I, like many other teenagers, was considered as rebellious teenagers. After 18 years old, I went to College in a big city where my parents randomly visited. My parents were very proud of me, and acknowledged that their ideas sometime might be out-of-dated. Now, I am thousands of miles away from parents, but I still listen to their opinions although I know that the generation gap is getting wider and wider. However, I love them more and more especially after I had my own son.
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