It is a new term now,and I hope I can do the best,so I make a plan for my English learning.
First,I will pay attention to listen to the teacher on the class,and if I don't do it,I will recite a passage for the class.
Second,I will do my homework carefully and hand it in on time.If I don't do it,I will write a whole passage 3 times.
Third,I will do the dictation on time and finish it well.If I don't do it well,I will do what the teacher want to.
Forth,I will try my best in the exam,and I will make a progress.If I fail in the exam,the teacher could call my parents.
First,I will pay attention to listen to the teacher on the class,and if I don't do it,I will recite a passage for the class.
Second,I will do my homework carefully and hand it in on time.If I don't do it,I will write a whole passage 3 times.
Third,I will do the dictation on time and finish it well.If I don't do it well,I will do what the teacher want to.
Forth,I will try my best in the exam,and I will make a progress.If I fail in the exam,the teacher could call my parents.
- 1求函数给定点的导数
- 2英语作文a wonderful experience 用现在完成时些
- 3若一个等差数列{an}的前3项和为34,最后3项的和为146,且所有项的和为390,则这个数列有几项?
- 4设a是方程x的平方-2005x+1=0的一个根,求代数式a的平方-2006a+a的平方+1/2005的值
- 5I bought something for my father 当中“my fat
- 6已知圆c的圆心C是(-1,1),直线3x+4y-11=0与圆C相交于A,B两点,且|AB|=6,则圆C的半径为
- 7厨房里的化学
- 8火车进站做匀减速直线运动,当滑行300m是速度变为初速度的一半,以后有经20s停止,
- 9客、货两车分别从A,B两地同时相对开出,已知客、货两车的速度比是4:5.两车在途中相遇后,继续行驶.客车把速度提高20%,货车速度不变,再行4小时后,货车到达A地,而客车离B地还有
- 10梯形的上底为1,高为2底角的正弦为5分之4求下底和腰长
- 1Can I add you there 翻译中文
- 2若a、b互为相反数.c、d互为倒数.求(√d²-b²/a²+b²) -(³√cd)
- 3怎样测试一个鸡蛋的体积?
- 41=5 2=15 3=23 4=34 5=?
- 5集合A={0,2,4a},B={1,a2},若A∪B={0,1,2,b},且a∈Q,试求a+b的值所构成的集合.
- 6乙队原有人数是甲队的3/7.现在从甲队派30人到乙队.则乙队与甲队人数的比为2:3.甲乙两队原来各有多少人?
- 7晏子使楚改为剧本350字
- 8一道最基本的化学题...于是才刚学化学...还不是很懂...
- 9如图,在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,E为DD1的中点, (1)求证:AC⊥平面D1DB; (2)BD1∥平面ABC.
- 10sixes and sevens