Changes that took place in my hometown in the past few years are many and varied.
The most important change,as far as my family are concerned,is the demolish of old and dangerous school buildings and the rebuilding of new ones.My brother and I now attend school in one of the new buildings.
New roads have also been constructed to link my hometown with neighbouring towns where we now could visit during the weekends by cars or buses.
A new sports centre has also been built recently,we could now play basketball there after school and on Sundays.
Finally,it is fair to say that,life is getting better by the day,
and I could see that more changes are on the way.
The most important change,as far as my family are concerned,is the demolish of old and dangerous school buildings and the rebuilding of new ones.My brother and I now attend school in one of the new buildings.
New roads have also been constructed to link my hometown with neighbouring towns where we now could visit during the weekends by cars or buses.
A new sports centre has also been built recently,we could now play basketball there after school and on Sundays.
Finally,it is fair to say that,life is getting better by the day,
and I could see that more changes are on the way.
- 1(u)nder l(igh)t b(e)d (o)nly n(a)me thr(ee) c(a)n s(o) t(oo) g(o) cl(o)ck m(i)nus 给下音标啊~
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