Everyday Helen has to face lots of books , and homework seems endless . Such boring life continues for a long time . Helen feels extremely tired . She thinks it won't do good to her study , so she decides to take a trip .
She starts to pay attention to information about travel and packs her clothes to prepare for the trip .
On the first day of the holiday , Helen flies to the seaside . The sky is blue and the water is cool . Helen feels very happy and really gets relaxed .
Everyday Helen has to face lots of books , and homework seems endless . Such boring life continues for a long time . Helen feels extremely tired . She thinks it won't do good to her study , so she decides to take a trip .
She starts to pay attention to information about travel and packs her clothes to prepare for the trip .
On the first day of the holiday , Helen flies to the seaside . The sky is blue and the water is cool . Helen feels very happy and really gets relaxed .
Everyday Helen had to face lots of books,and homework seemed endless.Such boring life continued for a long time.Helen felt extremely tired .She thought it wouldn't do good to her study ,so she decided to take a trip .
She started to pay attention to information about travel and packed her clothes to prepare for the trip .
On the first day of the holiday ,Helen flew to the seaside .The sky was blue and the water was cool .Helen felt very happy and really got relaxed .
She started to pay attention to information about travel and packed her clothes to prepare for the trip .
On the first day of the holiday ,Helen flew to the seaside .The sky was blue and the water was cool .Helen felt very happy and really got relaxed .
- 1设计压力为-0.1/0.3是什么意思
- 2小明家住这栋楼共有18层4个单元每个单元每层住2户,小区共有7栋这样的楼,一共能住多少户
- 3为什么作者会认为字词具有色彩、有声音、有气味呢?(小学五年级上册第五单元我爱你,中国的汉字)
- 4叠字联有哪些
- 5We should eat all kinds of food but never too much of _.
- 6某小区要在一块长方形空地上建花坛,要求设计的图案由圆和正方形组成,并且使整个长方形场地成轴对称
- 7英语手抄报的英文怎么写
- 8文明童谣怎么写?
- 9质量为m的物体以初速度v在水平面上滑行,已知物体与水平面的动摩擦因素为u,则物体滑行的距离决定于?
- 10质量为m=60kg的人站在质量为M=100kg的小车上,一起以v=3 m/s的速度在光滑水平地面上做匀速直线运动.若人相对车以u=4m/s的速率水平向后跳出,则车的速率变为_m/s.
- 1第十一段"认为自己不具备创造力和具备创造力的人,由于不同的态度和想法,
- 2下面个选项正确( ) he__a student A is B are C am
- 3一个营养级同化的能量包括他们的呼吸作用?还是之后
- 4高中作文雷锋精神
- 524千米减少它的25%是()千米
- 6She likes playing tennis My father is a warker My suster cab paint
- 7如果丑小鸭他不是一只天鹅蛋 那么它的结果怎么写 作文300字以上
- 8有大、中、小三个正方体水池,它们的边长分别是4m、3m和2m,把两堆碎石分别沉没在中、小水池中,两个水池的水面分别升高了4cm和11cm.如果将这两堆碎石都沉没在大水池中,大水池的水面将上升多少厘米?
- 9前一天下雪了,怎么让车上的雪融化快那?
- 10VB 循环结构题目