My name is Woof.You think that we have a great life,right?Wrong!I am going to tell you why.First of
My name is Woof.You think that we have a great life,right?Wrong!I am going to tell you why.
First of all,we are bored.Bored.And bored.Do you ever think about what a dog dose all day?Nothing.Nothing at all.Our owners are busy,you know,working,going to school,away from home all day.So what are we supposed to do?Watch the house or apartment?Sure.That is like watching paint dry or grass grow.Boring.That's why we get so excited when our owners come home.We bark and run around and act as if we are very happy.But we only do this because we are bored all day.If we are lucky,our owners take us for a walk.
Then there is the food.We eat the same food,meal after meal,day after day,week after week,month after month.Help!Would you like to eat the same thing all the time?No,you would not.So what makes you think we dogs like it?We don't.We hate it.
Another thing - television.Our owners watch these stupid programs,hour after hour,night after night.Are there any programs for dogs on television?No,not a single one.
So what can we do?What else can we do but sleep?And so we sleep.We dogs are not lazy; we are bored.
First of all,we are bored.Bored.And bored.Do you ever think about what a dog dose all day?Nothing.Nothing at all.Our owners are busy,you know,working,going to school,away from home all day.So what are we supposed to do?Watch the house or apartment?Sure.That is like watching paint dry or grass grow.Boring.That's why we get so excited when our owners come home.We bark and run around and act as if we are very happy.But we only do this because we are bored all day.If we are lucky,our owners take us for a walk.
Then there is the food.We eat the same food,meal after meal,day after day,week after week,month after month.Help!Would you like to eat the same thing all the time?No,you would not.So what makes you think we dogs like it?We don't.We hate it.
Another thing - television.Our owners watch these stupid programs,hour after hour,night after night.Are there any programs for dogs on television?No,not a single one.
So what can we do?What else can we do but sleep?And so we sleep.We dogs are not lazy; we are bored.
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