i did my best
but i guess my best wasnt good enough
cause here we are back where we were before
seems nothing ever changes
we are back to being strangers
wondering if we ought to stay
or head on out the door
just once can we figure out what we
keep doing wrong
why we never last for very long
what are we doin wrong
just once can we find a way to finally
make it right
to make the magic last for more than just one night
if we could just get to it
i know we could break through it
i gave my all
but i think my all may have been too much
cause lord knows weve not getting anywhere
seems weve always blowing
whatever we got going
and it seeming at times with all weve got
we havent got a prayer
i want to understand why it always comes back to goodbye
why cant we give ourselves a hand
and admit to one and another
we are no good without each other
take the best and make it better
i did my best
but i guess my best wasnt good enough
cause here we are back where we were before
seems nothing ever changes
we are back to being strangers
wondering if we ought to stay
or head on out the door
just once can we figure out what we
keep doing wrong
why we never last for very long
what are we doin wrong
just once can we find a way to finally
make it right
to make the magic last for more than just one night
if we could just get to it
i know we could break through it
i gave my all
but i think my all may have been too much
cause lord knows weve not getting anywhere
seems weve always blowing
whatever we got going
and it seeming at times with all weve got
we havent got a prayer
i want to understand why it always comes back to goodbye
why cant we give ourselves a hand
and admit to one and another
we are no good without each other
take the best and make it better
- 1Are some parts of your country colder than other?Why?
- 2x+y+z=3,3x-y-4z=-2,2x+3y-2z=3
- 3用put up造句?
- 4墨守成规 成语的由来
- 5某班学生人数不超过60人,一次测验成绩分为优、良、及格和不及格四等.已知这次测验该班有1/7学生得优,1/3的学生得良,1/2的学生及格,则该班不及格的学生有_人.
- 6冬运会,五(1)班所有的比赛项目都输了,其他班的同学讥笑他们-_-——————-(写一句歇后语)
- 7食盐为什么在热水中溶解的快
- 8绝对值不大于4的非负整数有( ) A.4个 B.5个 C.7个 D.9个
- 9将下列词语补充完整 ( )华( )名、( )( )漂移、
- 10( )出洞——东张西望 歇后语,填动物名
- 1一个三阶矩阵A ,把第一列的两倍加到第二列,然后再把第一列和第三列交换,得到矩阵B,然后B=?有没有两种
- 2甲基红的变色范围是PH4.6.2,酸色是红色,碱色是黄色,
- 3求比一个数多或少百分之几的数是多少的方法是什么?
- 4已知一元二次不等式x^2+ax+3-a>=0.
- 5My sister was afraid _______ out at night,because she was afraid______ dogs.
- 6帮我用比喻或夸张的手法改写这两个句子
- 7laws-a-me什么意思
- 8从四点到四点半,钟面上的时针转了15°
- 9指艺术形象非常逼真,如同活的一样,是什么成语.
- 10the cultural difference of the following words between Chinese and English