Safety Tips on Using Electricity
General safety guidelines:
Electrical installations should be inspected,tested and maintained regularly to ensure safety.
Don't try to repair or install electrical wirings or appliances yourself unless you are a registered electrical worker.
Don't use adaptors,plugs or extension units that do not comply with regulations.
Avoid poor contacts when using plugs,adaptors or extension units and watch out for signs of overheating.
Don't overload adaptors and socket outlets.
Don't touch electrical appliances,sockets or switches with wet hands.
Socket outlets installed inside bathrooms must comply with Electricity (Wiring) Regulations.
Fixed electrical appliances should be installed by registered electrical contractor.Don't use electrical appliance with an exposed conductive part which is not earthed.
Don't use defective appliances.
Don't place the flexible cord of electrical appliances close to any hot object.
Allow sufficient space for ventilation to prevent electrical appliances from overheating.
Try to switch off electrical appliances especially those high current demand ones before leaving your premises.
Unplug appliances if they will be idle for a certain period of time.
If appliances operate abnormally or if there are signs of overheating,stop using,switch off power and arrange for inspection and repairs by qualified persons.
General safety guidelines:
Electrical installations should be inspected,tested and maintained regularly to ensure safety.
Don't try to repair or install electrical wirings or appliances yourself unless you are a registered electrical worker.
Don't use adaptors,plugs or extension units that do not comply with regulations.
Avoid poor contacts when using plugs,adaptors or extension units and watch out for signs of overheating.
Don't overload adaptors and socket outlets.
Don't touch electrical appliances,sockets or switches with wet hands.
Socket outlets installed inside bathrooms must comply with Electricity (Wiring) Regulations.
Fixed electrical appliances should be installed by registered electrical contractor.Don't use electrical appliance with an exposed conductive part which is not earthed.
Don't use defective appliances.
Don't place the flexible cord of electrical appliances close to any hot object.
Allow sufficient space for ventilation to prevent electrical appliances from overheating.
Try to switch off electrical appliances especially those high current demand ones before leaving your premises.
Unplug appliances if they will be idle for a certain period of time.
If appliances operate abnormally or if there are signs of overheating,stop using,switch off power and arrange for inspection and repairs by qualified persons.
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