We can learn more outside the class英语作文
We can learn more outside the class
People generally believe that a life without going out is really terrible.In fact,we can learn more outside the class.Do you believe?
Suppose that we are studying all the time without rest,then how can we be?A working machine?Obviously,that is not we want.Everything outside is new.I like the balance of work and playing.That gives you a lot of pleasure.You will never lose everything after you balance work and playing.
As far as I’m concerned,learning is a progress.Weather in or outside the class,we can always learn.For example,I can learn true friendship and love outside the class that I’ve never seen in the class.
People generally believe that a life without going out is really terrible.In fact,we can learn more outside the class.Do you believe?
Suppose that we are studying all the time without rest,then how can we be?A working machine?Obviously,that is not we want.Everything outside is new.I like the balance of work and playing.That gives you a lot of pleasure.You will never lose everything after you balance work and playing.
As far as I’m concerned,learning is a progress.Weather in or outside the class,we can always learn.For example,I can learn true friendship and love outside the class that I’ve never seen in the class.
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