Munich is a large city()the south of Germany.
There are a few shops()the end of the street.It's diffcult to carry a lot of things()a bicycle.I looked at the list of names,My name was()the bottom of the list.There is a mirror()the wall()the living room.
There are a few shops()the end of the street.It's diffcult to carry a lot of things()a bicycle.I looked at the list of names,My name was()the bottom of the list.There is a mirror()the wall()the living room.
Munich is a large city (in,在内部) the south of Germany.
There are a few shops (at,在末端) the end of the street.
It's diffcult to carry a lot of things (on,在自行车上) a bicycle.
I looked at the list of names.My name was (at,在底部) the bottom of the list.
There is a mirror (on,在墙上) the wall (of,……的) the living room.
There are a few shops (at,在末端) the end of the street.
It's diffcult to carry a lot of things (on,在自行车上) a bicycle.
I looked at the list of names.My name was (at,在底部) the bottom of the list.
There is a mirror (on,在墙上) the wall (of,……的) the living room.
- 1We are said ___in the information age,a time of new discoveries and great changes.
- 2关于太阳系八大行星 和北极星 的传说
- 3除数、被除数、商、余数的和是155.商是3,余数是20.除数和被除数各是多少?
- 4经常读书看报可以增长知识和写作水平就改病句
- 5天色已晚,妈妈叫小明打开房间电灯,可淘气的小明一连拉了9下开关.请你说说这时灯是亮还是不亮?拉20下呢?拉100下呢?
- 6{y+1=2x 5x-3y=7
- 7一瓶油连瓶重3.4千克,用去一半后,连瓶还重1.9千克.原来有油多少千克?瓶重多少千克?
- 8一批零件,甲独做10小时完成,乙每小时做120个,现甲乙合作共同完成时,甲乙工作量的比是5:6,这批零件有多少个?
- 9抛物线y=ax(平方)+c(ac≠0)与x轴的交点为A、B,与y轴的交点为C,且△ABC是等腰直角三角形,则a、c之间的
- 10下列人物是什么朝代的?
- 1集合A={x
- 2攀枝花市发展钢铁工业的有利条件是哪些?
- 3一条长1200米的马路,小红走了450米.聪聪:小红再行全程的五分之三还多30米才能走完全程.丽丽:小红在行全程的六分之五还少200密才能走完全程.
- 4汽车从A地出发后前15分钟行驶了10千米,后半小时行驶了40000米,到达B地,求汽车从A地到B地的平均速度
- 5一辆汽车装货.如装铁可装50吨.如装煤可装15吨,有一次装铁和装煤,铁的重量是煤的5倍,这次装的货共多少吨
- 6夫 不 能 以 游 堕 事,潇然于山石草木之间者,惟此官也.怎么理解
- 7对某植株作如下处理,甲持续光照20分钟,乙光照5s黑暗5s.连续交替进行20min.若其他条件不变,则
- 8读嗅苹果中得到什么道理
- 9“六一”联欢会上,我们班的同学真是(填歇后语),表演了许多精彩的节目
- 10三减根号四等于多少.怎么减