The computer is playing an increasingly important role in the society. With the computer you can conduct scientific statistical analyses and get useful information. You can also watch movies, listen to music, and play video games. We may say that the computer is indispensable to our life. Someone even hold the belief that the computer may replace the human brain one day in people’s life, work, and every other respect. Despite all the advantages of the computer, it is no match to the human brain.
It is undeniable that the computer becomes more intelligent as technology develops with each passing day. But in terms of intelligence, the human brain is the father of the intelligent computer. The human brain is an inexhaustible well of intelligence and it is creative, while the computer just passively receives the intelligence from the human brain, like a tool to actualize the human brain’s intelligence.
To sum up, the computer is inferior to the human brain. So, those who still hold the wrong opinion, correct yourself and free your own intelligence and creation. Don’t rely on the computer too much.
It is undeniable that the computer becomes more intelligent as technology develops with each passing day. But in terms of intelligence, the human brain is the father of the intelligent computer. The human brain is an inexhaustible well of intelligence and it is creative, while the computer just passively receives the intelligence from the human brain, like a tool to actualize the human brain’s intelligence.
To sum up, the computer is inferior to the human brain. So, those who still hold the wrong opinion, correct yourself and free your own intelligence and creation. Don’t rely on the computer too much.
- 1湖面上,几只小船悠然自得地荡着.改变词序.意思保持不变
- 2手术尚未结束,医生就宣布病人已死亡.翻译成英语
- 3一个数的整数部分是最小的素数,小数点右边第一位是最小的合数,千分位上是最大的一位数,其余各位上是0,这个数是_.
- 41.________,he gets up late.
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- 6尝试用英语怎么说
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- 1化简X-3 当a=?时,-2008-A-7的最小值为?当b=?是,+2009的最?
- 2( )的质量接近吨. A.10瓶矿泉水 B.25名六年级学生 C.500个苹果 D.2000枚硬币
- 3气体的摩尔体积公式推导
- 4itis very diffcult to find a public place
- 5一个半圆的面积是25.12平方分米,这个半圆的周长是多少分米
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- 7一个数的75%等于2分之5与3分之1的和,求这个数.
- 8y=1-2sin平方x+2cosx 求值域
- 9我国草原约有384万平方千米,约占全国陆地总面积的40%,我国陆地面积总面积约有多少万平方千米?
- 1015.You must keep your eyes ,touch it.A close B closed C closing D to close