找人帮忙人工翻译成英文 一定要标准的!麻烦专业人士帮忙!一定要人工翻译 高分!
Little Guard of Home Water Purification
Materials: The invention implement was made by using a small candy jar, plastic container, gauze, gauze, bamboo and a variety of common small things .
Description: This implement should be placed below the kitchen sink. Because a lot of water should be used in the usually time when wash vegetables and fruits and so on,the implement can makes the Effect. Water should be guided to the small candy jar whthin the tank by a tube connected from the flowing hole.The water flow from the hole pricked on the small candy jar into the large candy jar,and flow out of the bigger candy jar through its other end. The water flow to the charcoal layer to be sterilized from the filter layer, then re-flow to a cotton layer to be filtered.Finally,the water was discharged into the water tank for recycling.
Function: As bamboo charcoal has the effect of sterilization, filtration and so on, the water should be recycled to wipe furniture, cook, boil water and so on.
Little Guard of Home Water Purification
Materials: The invention implement was made by using a small candy jar, plastic container, gauze, gauze, bamboo and a variety of common small things .
Description: This implement should be placed below the kitchen sink. Because a lot of water should be used in the usually time when wash vegetables and fruits and so on,the implement can makes the Effect. Water should be guided to the small candy jar whthin the tank by a tube connected from the flowing hole.The water flow from the hole pricked on the small candy jar into the large candy jar,and flow out of the bigger candy jar through its other end. The water flow to the charcoal layer to be sterilized from the filter layer, then re-flow to a cotton layer to be filtered.Finally,the water was discharged into the water tank for recycling.
Function: As bamboo charcoal has the effect of sterilization, filtration and so on, the water should be recycled to wipe furniture, cook, boil water and so on.
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