英语作文How to choose university
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How to Choose a College
When choosing a college, decide what type of degree is desired, what location is best and what programs the colleges have. Choose a community college or full-scale university withtips from a playwright and college graduate in this free video on college life and personal growth.
Hi, this is Laura Turner and today we're going to talk about how to choose a college. The first you want to think about when you choose a college is how long do you want to be in school. Do you want to just to get your sort of two year degree or do you want to get your four year degree? Do you want to go to a community college or do you want to go to a full scale university? Think about those things first. Next, think about how far away from home you want to move. A deciding factor in my college experience was how far I was willing to put myself away from my home. Some people like to move all the way across the country. Some people would like to be a little closer to their families when they first start out at college. So think about how far away the college is. It's going to affect your choice. Next, what do you want to do with yourlife and how is that college going to help you todo it? Look in to colleges and figure out what kind of programs they have, what kind of programs are the best in that particular college. And sort of tailor your choices according to the specialties of that college. Andthen finally do they have scholarship programs that you can enroll in, if you need money in order to get in to these colleges. So think aboutthe money factor, the moving factor and the major factor, you know, what you want to do.O(∩_∩)O,希望对你有帮助
When choosing a college, decide what type of degree is desired, what location is best and what programs the colleges have. Choose a community college or full-scale university withtips from a playwright and college graduate in this free video on college life and personal growth.
Hi, this is Laura Turner and today we're going to talk about how to choose a college. The first you want to think about when you choose a college is how long do you want to be in school. Do you want to just to get your sort of two year degree or do you want to get your four year degree? Do you want to go to a community college or do you want to go to a full scale university? Think about those things first. Next, think about how far away from home you want to move. A deciding factor in my college experience was how far I was willing to put myself away from my home. Some people like to move all the way across the country. Some people would like to be a little closer to their families when they first start out at college. So think about how far away the college is. It's going to affect your choice. Next, what do you want to do with yourlife and how is that college going to help you todo it? Look in to colleges and figure out what kind of programs they have, what kind of programs are the best in that particular college. And sort of tailor your choices according to the specialties of that college. Andthen finally do they have scholarship programs that you can enroll in, if you need money in order to get in to these colleges. So think aboutthe money factor, the moving factor and the major factor, you know, what you want to do.O(∩_∩)O,希望对你有帮助
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