I am a film fan because I have seen a lot of movies.Also I love many films.Several days ago,I saw an American movie and I love her immediately.Her name is IF ONLY.
It is a love story about a pretty girl and a handsome boy.Samantha is in love with her boyfriend,unfortunately he doesn't pay any attention to her.She is living in London attending school there to be with him.She is a music student and aspiring singer.Ian is wrapped up in his job and is taking her "for Granted".A twist of fate occurs and makes him realize what he has.
The story is perfect,I was touched deeply.I think I am the man in the film and I will do what the girl asked.The scence is beautiful in the uptown.I love the country,also I love the two wonderful song in the film.
I recommend this film to anyone who is a film fan,or to anyone who is a romantic at heart.This one will get your spirit.Director did a perfect job and writer is a genius.I look forward to any projects they take on in the future.
It is a love story about a pretty girl and a handsome boy.Samantha is in love with her boyfriend,unfortunately he doesn't pay any attention to her.She is living in London attending school there to be with him.She is a music student and aspiring singer.Ian is wrapped up in his job and is taking her "for Granted".A twist of fate occurs and makes him realize what he has.
The story is perfect,I was touched deeply.I think I am the man in the film and I will do what the girl asked.The scence is beautiful in the uptown.I love the country,also I love the two wonderful song in the film.
I recommend this film to anyone who is a film fan,or to anyone who is a romantic at heart.This one will get your spirit.Director did a perfect job and writer is a genius.I look forward to any projects they take on in the future.
- 1“打败敌人易,打败自己难” Defeat your enemy is easy,defeat yourself is hard 这样翻译行不行
- 2请别害怕,夫人,您怎么不呆在车里?改为陈述句
- 31 将原来相距较近的两个带同种电荷的小球同时由静止释放(小球放在光滑绝缘的水平面上),它们仅在相互间库仑力作用下运动的过程中
- 4计算:99999+9999+999+99+9=_.
- 5近义词:洪亮( ) 教导( )聚集( ) 反义词:缓慢( )果断( )欢乐( ) 急用!
- 6晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄.啥意思?
- 7We all like to go for a picnic in a open a_______
- 8设α β是二次方程x^2-2kx+k+20=0的两个实数根,当k为何值时,(α+1)^2+(β+1)^2有最小值
- 9指数函数的题(讲解一下)
- 10这道题原来是 1÷x+5 + 1÷x+8=1÷x+6 +1÷x+7我把分母去了才变成这样,
- 1Nobody knew more about him,________
- 2要配制20%的氢氧化钠溶液150克.
- 3一定质量的气体的内能增大,则下列说法中正确的是
- 4大小油共重2.7千克,大瓶的油用去0.2千克后,剩下的油与小瓶内油的重量比是3比2.大小油瓶内各装油多少千
- 5一条城市绿化带长40千,宽5米这条绿化带一共有多少公顷?
- 67( )3( )既是2的倍数,又是5的倍数,同时又是3的倍数,求出这个四位数.
- 7用排比的手法描写动物园里猴山中猴子姿态各异
- 8《闻一多先生的说和做》 有句话怎么理解.
- 9与6.7*2 的积相差0.67的算式有6.7*( )和( )
- 10两两平行的直线a、b、c可以确定的平面的个数是?