China to control quality of raw materials
BEIJING — China’s State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) required manufacturers of dietary supplements to tighten the control of raw materials in a circular issued on Friday.
Manufacturers are now required to review the qualifications of raw material suppliers and inspect the production of suppliers regularly,the SFDA said in the circular.The suppliers must improve the quality control of raw materials and manufacturers should develop a detailed record of raw material purchases so that the sources of raw materials can be easily tracked,the document said.The SFDA also asked its local branches to tighten the supervision of manufacturers who use expensive and rare extractions from animal and plants and imported raw materials.Manufacturers that use substandard raw materials to produce dietary supplements will be seriously punished,the document said.
China to control quality of raw materials
BEIJING — China’s State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) required manufacturers of dietary supplements to tighten the control of raw materials in a circular issued on Friday.
Manufacturers are now required to review the qualifications of raw material suppliers and inspect the production of suppliers regularly,the SFDA said in the circular.The suppliers must improve the quality control of raw materials and manufacturers should develop a detailed record of raw material purchases so that the sources of raw materials can be easily tracked,the document said.The SFDA also asked its local branches to tighten the supervision of manufacturers who use expensive and rare extractions from animal and plants and imported raw materials.Manufacturers that use substandard raw materials to produce dietary supplements will be seriously punished,the document said.
- 1除了 啄木鸟还 有 什么鸟也有 这个
- 2若等式ax的立方-bx+c=x的立方+2x-3对任何x都成立,求:3(a平方乘b+abc)+4(ab平方-abc)-2(a平方b+2ab平方
- 3甲.乙.丙.三个数之和是45,已知甲比丙少19,比乙多4,三个数各是多少?
- 4有两个小灯泡L1、L2,它们的额定电压分别为U1、U2,且U1=2U2.在正常工作时,通过L1的电流是通过L2的电流的2倍.把L1、L2串联接到电压为U的某电源上,讨论两灯泡发光情况,下列说法正确的是
- 5shoe为什么加s
- 6I am trying to make ends meet这句话是什么意思啊
- 7What a nice day ( )
- 8形容无缘无故的词语
- 9已知x大于1,求证x大于ln(1+x)
- 10如果a是(-3)的平方根,那么三次根号a属于什么?
- 1像这样的(64/27)^2/3 这样的方根计算有什么技巧吗?
- 2英文短语:去散步,两种说法
- 3如果x的2次方-2x分之2x=x-2分之2成立,则x满足什么条件?
- 4甲数减少0.7且乙数增加1.8后,甲数比乙数少1.5,求原来甲乙两数的差
- 5x^2-xy-4+2y因式分解
- 6哨子发声过程中运用了哪些物理知识?请举一例
- 71.There are many other fruits ___ apples and pears here.I like them.
- 8如果用NaOH固体配制,求需要NaOH多少克?
- 9用"轻"字组成恰当词语,填在括号里.(不能重复) :面对外国报纸充满( )之意的评论,詹天佑毅然接受了连外
- 10二分之四十五*二十分之四十九*二十分之四十九等于多少?