If you have a
boyfriend whose always want to stay undisturbed....
If you have a
boyfriend whose complain about paying too much for you a lots of times....
If you have a
boyfriend who only likes spending time with you when you are happy...
If you have a
boyfriend that cannot accommodate your family and blame you for misguide the family
If you have a
boyfriend whose action is always in the mouth...
If you have a
boyfriend who is never be impatient when you cry…
If you have a
boyfriend who complains about everything you do....
If you have a
boyfriend whose shouted at you when you were trying to look after his feelings.
If you have a
boyfriend who is ask you to leave when you are trying to help him out.
If you have a
boyfriend most of the time cannot appear when you need him....
If you have a
boyfriend who’s never get on with your friends or his friends ....
If you have a
boyfriend whose always want to stay undisturbed....
If you have a
boyfriend whose complain about paying too much for you a lots of times....
If you have a
boyfriend who only likes spending time with you when you are happy...
If you have a
boyfriend that cannot accommodate your family and blame you for misguide the family
If you have a
boyfriend whose action is always in the mouth...
If you have a
boyfriend who is never be impatient when you cry…
If you have a
boyfriend who complains about everything you do....
If you have a
boyfriend whose shouted at you when you were trying to look after his feelings.
If you have a
boyfriend who is ask you to leave when you are trying to help him out.
If you have a
boyfriend most of the time cannot appear when you need him....
If you have a
boyfriend who’s never get on with your friends or his friends ....
If you have a
firstly,i want to ask you one question:have you ever talk to him all about these quetions?is him willing to change himself?
secondly,i want to tell you:in fact,no one can tell you what to do.love should never be mastered by others.i think you what you should do is to ask yourself what you want,which kind of men you want,and can you tolerate all these weaknesses he has,is he really the one you want.if your answer is negetive,and he also does not want to change himself,just leave him.
finally,love is built on the efforts of both and problems may exist everywhere you two should both have the preparation and determination to solve it together.good luck to you!
secondly,i want to tell you:in fact,no one can tell you what to do.love should never be mastered by others.i think you what you should do is to ask yourself what you want,which kind of men you want,and can you tolerate all these weaknesses he has,is he really the one you want.if your answer is negetive,and he also does not want to change himself,just leave him.
finally,love is built on the efforts of both and problems may exist everywhere you two should both have the preparation and determination to solve it together.good luck to you!
- 1遇到远方的朋友常常会用什么诗句
- 2有两辆正相对行使的列车,快车长200米,慢车250米,轨道平行,小聪此刻
- 3如图为一梯级的纵截面,一只老鼠沿长方形的两边A-B-C的路线逃跑,一只猫同时沿梯级(拆线)A-C-D的路线去捉老鼠,已知老鼠的速度是猫的速度的11/14,求1.AB+BC的长度 2.A-C-D的长度
- 4有哪些形容人很有感触的四个字的词语?
- 5甲乙丙三人各乘一台升降机,甲看见楼房在匀速上升,
- 6I_____(help) my mother do housework tomorrow
- 7形容感受很多的成语或成语
- 8文言文"诗仙李白"的译文
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- 1读下面的格言做回答
- 2口袋妖怪绿宝石流星瀑布怎么进入
- 3一个瓶子质量是100克,装满水后总质量是600克,装满另一种液体时总质量是1000克. 问:(1)瓶子的容积多大? (2)另一种液体密度多大?
- 4Don't holding my hands翻译下..
- 5甲乙丙三人共有人民币90元,如果甲给乙12元,乙给丙8元,三人的钱数正好相等,三人原来各有人民币多少元?
- 6《格兰特船长的儿女》好词好句
- 7同一种物质,表面颜色深的比表面颜色浅的吸热()
- 8x+180%x=3.2
- 91)一根电线8m,第一次剪下全长的八分之一,第二次剪下八分之一.两次共剪下多少米
- 10在一组数据中平均数.中位数.众数都是唯一的吗可不可能是同一个数