求一篇rich-poor gap的英文对话.A,B各5句~
b: i want to concentrate on the research of rich-poor gap and then i might come up with certain pulicies to solve this problem.
a: hey, you know what, you can never try to solve this problem easily. when you want to change, you go against the interest group and they will definitely do everything they can to stop you. because they've got power and money, it is hard to stop them.
b: exactly. and that is why we need more people to work together to solve it. the society develops and america won't be the only super power.and it is the same with rich-poor gap. someone is gonna think of a way to solve it.
a: i do appriciate your optimistic attitude.
b: yeah. when you see the poor children in yunnan and see the rich fat kids in the cities, maybe you will also want to help make a change.
a: i do have seen some poor kids suffering, but it is not the only thing. some people living in the cities, however, still can't live a good life. they work under great pressure and without respect.
b: that's right. god says that life is fair, but it isn't. we don't have a second life, we can't say that it will be fair in another life. it is rediculous.
a: but anyway, we should always have faith and hope for a better future.
b: yeah, but i don't want to just wait, we need to take action to make a change.
b: i want to concentrate on the research of rich-poor gap and then i might come up with certain pulicies to solve this problem.
a: hey, you know what, you can never try to solve this problem easily. when you want to change, you go against the interest group and they will definitely do everything they can to stop you. because they've got power and money, it is hard to stop them.
b: exactly. and that is why we need more people to work together to solve it. the society develops and america won't be the only super power.and it is the same with rich-poor gap. someone is gonna think of a way to solve it.
a: i do appriciate your optimistic attitude.
b: yeah. when you see the poor children in yunnan and see the rich fat kids in the cities, maybe you will also want to help make a change.
a: i do have seen some poor kids suffering, but it is not the only thing. some people living in the cities, however, still can't live a good life. they work under great pressure and without respect.
b: that's right. god says that life is fair, but it isn't. we don't have a second life, we can't say that it will be fair in another life. it is rediculous.
a: but anyway, we should always have faith and hope for a better future.
b: yeah, but i don't want to just wait, we need to take action to make a change.
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